Hate is a strong word, despise, disgust, distain, and abhor, all could reside in hates residence in my speech, but they are not adequate to describe two the joys life affords me.
Damien Hates…….. Being Sick, I know makes me special doesn’t it? My statement is not predicated on individuality but, upon inherent idiosycrancies that I despise concerning my health. It is highly apparent that my body contains a involuntary self destruct button, that is pushed by a unidentified force. Somehow when ever I’m about to start a new job, work out regimen, or major project, I’m suddenly stricken with a cold/ flu/ allergy symptoms, leaving me to feel like a Greek whose crew decided I’d spent enough time on the planet. After drinking Nyquil, like it was that “drank” I hear so much about and ignoring the various prescribed so called “doses” of other medicines, I no longer feel like the government has been experimenting on me, and have a new found appreciation for the ability to breath. Please let me utilize this sentence to thank all those who offered chicken soup and other remedies……there are few things that compare to
Damien Hates…….. Quick….what is the easiest way to find out if someone truly cares about you…… if you are thinking… lending money….or consisting to sexual favors they really don’t agree with, for your pleasure….eh eh…your wrong. With it’s only superior being, pushing somebody out of the way to purposely inherent their bullets, helping people move is defiantly at the apex of true caring. I still loathe moving more than Patriots and Patriot fans (both types). Why… well limited exposure to factory work has taught me two things, formen are assholes…and foremen are assholes, who like those who personally converse with God on a regular basis…see their vision as an unbreakable prophecy. My point? During the process of moving EVERYBODY becomes a foreman, leaving me to wish I had a front row seat at college republican conference rather than holding a musty couch, and testing my muscle endurance, while the greatest schematic minds debate how to navigate a Himalayan like hand rail. Moving is the ultimate labor of love…but because of that varying type of love I continue to volunteer to help those I care about……….and for the mgd………..and okay cuz I can’t move my self can I?
Now that I have acknowledged and addressed my hate issues, I can discuses my subjective views on issues in a objective manner.
I’m sure nobody from Ripley’s even knows I exist so “Believe it or Not” there was a time when I was a patriotic young bastad, who believed in all American hero’s and hoped that moms would put down the drug of the day and my stepdad would find it equitable to give me a plastic toy representation of said hero’s created by the good folks at Hasbro, as a consolation prize for who could kick who’s ass after work contest. During that same period I became fully immersed in what was/is deemed the “American Pastime”. Even though my hometown team sucked then, like it continues to with horrid consistency, you could always see a little kid with a afro ten years after it was cool walking back to 5317 Kincaid, temporary joy infiltrating his troubled child hood via a pack of baseball cards, while attempting to chew the box cutter blade like stick of gum that came with them. Ironically in the year of 88, my favorite baseball players where Jose Canseco and Barry Bonds. My highly impressionable child hood mind was far less pessimistic and skeptical back then, and definitely lacked the capacity to fathom that nearly 20 yrs in the future what chemicals they may or may not have taken would be at the forefront the nations conscious. If he/she/ it? is truly omniscient, than lords knows I tried to avoid writing about the whole “steroid controversy” but the whole Rafael Palmeiro hysteria has raised my ire….Lets count the reasons why shall we.
Steroids aren’t new. / Am I the only person that remembers that damn near every body in the N.F.L circa 75-85 injected they ass on a more regular basis the
The reasoning behind my forced abdication from t.v was reinforced by this most trivial of controversy, alas I wonder ….do people ever discuss anything remotely relevant with maddening repetition?
…….. 8 seconds later the writer realizes he became part of the problem…….
Yahoo- illaimofdaconection
Random thought: Bill Maher hates the far right and loves black chocha….i think he might have cracked my people I’d like to smoke with list….