Friday, November 24, 2006

How I See Things......

All things are what they are. How you perceive them solidifies their nature. The concept of perception reigns preeminent in the realm of importance for it constructs belief and controls ones actions. In a coarse linear pattern, perception reins how you think, and intrinsically inhibits thought in the same setting. Most notably, the notion of perception though it infinite set of mannerisms ultimately holds sway over, subjectively speaking, the greatest known commodity: Life. Perception gives license to create life or relinquishes the ability of a person to be conscious of their arrogance as they justifiably destroy it. Examples inhabit every terrain humans reside, or can conceive.

Do you find those who occupy a foreign land as victims of unwanted and unwarranted state aggression? Or do you find those very persons a insidious threats to your way of life who must be destroyed for your sanctity to be preserved.

Are the poor creators of there own squalid plight who should be restrained from allotments dispersed by those perched above them. Or are the poor the remainders of exploitation, deserving of understanding remedies from those able to enact them..

Does an irremovable genetic code guide involuntary actions inherent in a particular race of beings, or does culture concoct and exploit fallacies superimposed among innocent throngs?

There are no correct answers contained in the previous sentences. The rhetorical questions in them however, are emblematic of stern conclusions based upon perception.

Perception is the guardian of thought which sternly grips its child as it leads him in what it deems to be the proper direction. Such a course can lead to the indiscriminate bombing of a genre of humanity, killing hundreds of thousands without the annoying tinge of guilt. It can initiate callous treatment of those on the fringe buttressed by righteous conviction. Perception creates the imagery you view through the scope of action. The most insidious yet ironic things about perception is that it will cause a person to view two separate entities who undertake the same acts woven within the same tapestry of interest, in a completely polar light. One person steals for survival, the other because by their very nature he is a thief, even if the scenario life paints doesn't lend either the opportunity make a legitimate purchase.

Perception is not inherently ghastly in nature. It is a necessary human commodity that is intrinsic to attaining small pieces of happiness in the quest for worldly nirvana. When perception is tainted by manipulation it becomes blight across humanity. I chose the headline "Damien's Perception of Reality" because no matter what events occur within the scope of my knowledge and what actually happened during their episode, I will untimely register them through my perception. In hopes of becoming more fair in judgment of others and honest with self, choosing to view events not by whom was involved, but the scenario and how it presently if not historically crafted the responses of those enveloped in life's vacuum will bring individuals closer to truth. . No being will never be just in all of their assessments, however by being aware of false labels and marginal insights spawned from them, a person is less likely to let perception overwhelm logic and the compassionate facet of humanity within us.

One perception is powerful.

What can or has happened due to the incorporation of millions of like perceptions?


Monday, November 20, 2006

Damn...Even Him....

Alcohol or anger. If you ever want to know how one truly feels about you, any immense dosage of either should be suffice to elicit the most deeply ingrained feeling about any noun you can conjure up from a person. I'm mainly an empirical fact individual, but I hold at least one strong belief. Feelings don't lie.

There is nothing more honest than involuntary inherent response. Upon hearing about Michael Richards aka..the ever eccentric Kramer from the last of the great sitcoms "Seinfeld" racial tirade, I figured he just got heated said a couple things the he felt beneath the surface and, that was that. I was prepared for what I saw, but definitely didn't expect it. As I search the lands of my mental I'm failing to acquire a incident in which such vehemence is displayed in such a visceral manner. Hmm I'm no Tyson hater…but upon reflection the most recent incidence I can conjure would be the press conference before the Lennox Lewis Fight when Mike repeatedly told a member of the media how he would make him his "bitch" by violating one of his orifices.

While admittedly I found the Tyson debacle slightly entertaining, no such value was derived from Richards. The fact he was talking about Black People isn't even the main reason.. Although I'm a avid Carlos Mencia and those of his comedic ilk despiser (I'll address him another day) if done with respect, I can take racial comedy about my own from another race. I've wasted letters typing the word comedy tho, because Richards did not perform material or put on an act, he just revealed his genuine sentiments, in a manor that would make founders at Stone Mountain shed a tear.

Hey….. If you feel a certain way…by all means do what you do. But… the abhorrence starts to formulate when you flat out lie about your beliefs and actions. Its a far to common occurrence for matters of which are deserving of and others not, nearly every one is know to "apologize" in these times. You know… It's best to "get out ahead" of the story. Well this seems to be true in most cases unless you're an infallible President by your own description. Well with much more expediency than Fema delivers bottled water, Richards delivered his apology on the David Letterman show less than a day after his catharsis. Now in to keep my streak of honesty together with you, I'll admit I did not watch said show. I was to engrossed in watching the finial 2 episodes (I had to do it) of this seasons "Wire" amassing a level of hate for Chris and Snoop that impossibly surpassed my unexplainable hatred for Shane on "The Shield". Let me get back to explainable hate tho. While I didn't watch the whole show, I viewed a variety of clips of the interview and read transcriptions of it. Truthfully I could just state that he had the audacity to say he wasn't racist, a statement witch has to be in the running for "Bullshit Utterance of the Year" award, but that would be an injustice. It would be a waste to not mention that he did his best Bruno from "Black n White" impersonation by spewing off such gems of reference as "The Blacks" and "Afro Americans and surreally invoked Hurricane Katrina's racial divide . Smh….This guy is classic.

The saddest thing about this whole Bob Sagetish Geminism gone horribly wrong incident is audience reaction. I'm not talking about the many who honorably got up and left the comedy club where Richards was performing. No…not them,.not even those who can be heard laughing at his tirade or thought his appearance on Letterman was a platform for jokes. Nope the saddest thing about the incident is a non scientific poll, that's

prolly more accurate than not.

Is Richards a racist?





Total Votes: 173,373

Note on Poll Results

If these are not the words and actions of a racist …what is???

I've never been happier to be a New Undercover fan.


.. ILLAIM365