I’ve said it many many times before, (okay maybe not here) Complex is the best magazine in the world. Generally I abstain from such hyperbole, especially when realities such as my monolingual state and procrastination on utilizing Google Translate erode the empirical basis of such statements.
In this case however, I’ll say it anyway
While I haven't actually picked up a complex in a tangible manner in years, going to their site is a daily routine of mines that I hope to repay one day by purchasing goods from their sponsors.
No matter the topic, the writing on Complex’s site is always good. Where Complex really shines is on their “Top List”
If you're anywhere near a countdown fan (fanatic) like I am, trust me, Complex is the site for you.
The point of this blog post isn’t to act like I’m employed by Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce tho, its purpose is to point out one of those glorious time killing list I came across this week.
Complex’s “15 Most Shockingly Racist Celebrity Tweets”, is well worth the view.
In this post racial world we live in, it's good to be kept grounded in reality by the most famous among us. It's no “Look at all the bad White people” list either
No matter what that Godbody told you way back when, this list shows that Black people can be racist to
My premenient thoughts from this list:
I kinda of shocked Ricky Rubio’s tweet didn’t make that much noise, but such words coming from the same guy that was a part of this, doesn't surprise me.
Rhianna’s tweet was beyond racist....
The people who wonder why I hate Chelsea Handler, will witness one of the reasons why.
So check out the list and the rest of Complex’s marvelous site below