Thursday, October 6, 2005

Rakim said it best........

Alas freedom!!!! 2005 has been a very strange, trying and complete ________ (I’m trying to consciously eradicate the term “bitch” from my vocabulary, so insert what you feel appropriate) of a year. Due to a litany of reasons, and ultimately my own negative actions I’m currently not attending school for the first time in 4 yrs. The best way I can describe my absence from class is: imagine being at the counter about to purchase a expensive prized possession ( car, house, coach bag, Russian bride (j/k) 5 pounds of weed (sans counter) only to realize that your 7 dollars short, and the transaction is voided out. Except for the $7 dollars actually being around $3000 and me trying to add about 12 credits instead of decadent material possession, I think the analogy fits. Since singular individuals don’t have telethons held for them, and because I have become utterly disgusted with the society which finances fundraisers after the B.E.T telethon( BET results) raised more money than Monday Night Football (with two games!!!)(Monday Night Football results) for hurricane Katrina survivors, I decided to quit masquerading my Timbs as fashion tools and utilize them in their company stated mandated purpose, labor. So over the course of the last month I’ve participated in 12 hour workdays…7 days a week, which if anything has solidified my main ambition of adding 8 hours to the day if I ever make a expedition into politics.

There is a ebb and flow to everything, and even though I received some of the biggest checks in my life, the 3 ½ hours I had to my self each day left little time for the people or things I love such as writing. So a dilemma arises….I have a backlog of thoughts .. should I just delete them, or just sound dated? Hmmmmm

Well if not for anything for a nice shiny title I had all planned out:

“The Blame Game” the New and Improved Race Card And the Dynamic of Polar Extremes”

I thinks I will act like ya local corner/ party store / bodega and disperse selections of a dated product…not that I don’t’ have love for yall or nothing………………..

Anyone that knows me fairly well understands that one the first places that will be stamped on my yet un-purchased passport will be Brazil. Now the rational for my certain future voyage is debatable….could it be the largest concentration of black people of outside Africa reside there, the palatial environment….or pure hedonistic thoughts? Hmmm I dunno…or just refuse to dry snitch on myself, but I will state that the supposed lowered emphasis on race visa vi class does intrigue me. If the latter is my sole reason, I can just save my money because much to my surprise race doesn’t matter anymore in America. Don’t believe me, how come? It was all over the news this past month. “Is there a class divide in America “Did class haft to do with the ability of those trapped during the Hurricanes?” “Did class cause political apathy which in turned translated into political callous?” Honestly I haft to respect intelligence, so I say it was wise if abet utterly careless to ignore race role in last months disasters. Confrontation of reality is not the fastest route back to blissful ignorance you know?.......

I have a variety of mantras. One of those happens to be “There is a reason for everything”. I ascribe to that view even if understanding the logic behind such reason. causes my brain to hemorrhage. One such occurrence of this actuality occurred when I studied some recent (ed note: not so recent) polls

“A new Zogby poll shows President Bush's approval rating at 40% among likely voters with 59% disapproving. In dealing with Hurricane Katrina, 36% rate Bush's job as excellent or good and 60% rate his job as fair or poor”

Hmmm maybe Amercan standards have just fell off completely or we just could be more like the Roman Empire than I thought and love evil entertaiment. Nothing like seeing how long the nigga can go without water before he dies….If they put this on during the summer….maybe people would’t clammar for the NFL so much. From what I saw, there must be a lot of people out here with Mr Smithers like hearts to deem the Presidents response as “Excellent”

“A recent Washington Post-ABC News poll "illustrates the point vividly. Just 17 percent of Democrats said they approved of the way Bush was handling the Katrina crisis while 74 percent of Republicans said they approved”

Add no food, no water, blame the victem, while viewing from a aerial postion…and you

have a recipe for compansonate conservitism hmmm mmm. Tasty..

2 Second thoughts on the Bush Family…

I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about how people just want to blame President Bush for

everything. I can only represnet my self, when I say that personally thats the furthest

thing from the truth. If I could impose a undefeatable will upon the planet…nobody

would ever commit actions they could be “blamed” for. Alas my ablilty to impose

my will, just like my flesh, is weak so people proceed to commit actions which in turn cause results and elicit emotions.,,,,Hence our fearless leader

So people….it’s not so much asigning blame, but attributing proper resonces to the deeds of others.

So…. Any man who call on the help, then proceeds to hide shadows of the man who held his job before him, and his father…is a Bitch (damn I failed)

Also,,,.. after this comment about the evucuees in the Astrodome by Barbra Bush

“Almost everyone I've talked to says we're going to move to Houston. ... What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this -- this is working very well for them.”

I will proceed to subscribe to the Bush women are drunken ignorant whores who spawn decrepit leaders view until further given a reason to alter my perception.

I’m not a Kayne West fan ….at all. Maybe it’s the fact that I tend to not like people who hold asshole like characteristics, or my perpetual support of the underdog over what is immensely popular, whatever the cause…he won’t be getting my $20 anytime soon. What he has of mine prolly until I perish is my respect for getting on national T.V and stating how he and millions of others felt, putting many things most wouldn’t sacrifice, on a precarious line. We all know what he said, so lets look at some of the things some of the people said about what he said.

New England Patriots fans booed him….but honestly my bar isn’t raised high for amebas dressed in red white in blue (sorry Savy)

Went over to Allhiphop (Like rap? )and read some guy Sher Zieve stated “Showing yet again that leftist have raised a generation of ignorant malicious and increasingly incompetent to comment on virtually anything adults Kayne West a ostensible “rapper” joined the never ending since 2000 bush bash fest.”

Hmmm not that great at deciphering things….but it seems that those on the left are to blame for all of public speaking ills that afflict Americans, and incompetence is defiened is a synonym for disagreement……I think…….

My personal favorite tho is this


People of juxtaposing views will always exist even if they really wish they did not haft to coexist. Knowing such a fact, when people create such art, it really doesn’t anger me, just reinforce what my knowledge of what elements of thought are out there.

While most where mad that the white cartoonist used the word nigga in his work, I myself relized that Andy Marlette and I would neva be able to hold a civil converasation, after reading his comments. On his work…. “If anything it’s celebrating a black person who has really done something great and represents the best of black culture” in reference to Condoleezza Rice.

Who da fuck is this guy to say what represents the best of “black culture”?

I have a hard enough time pondering the fact Rice, and Clarence Thomas are the two most powerful Black political figures in America, let alone 50 “Fuck another nigga kids” Cent is the country most famous black artist. The world we live in sheesh

I think I woulda had to duff my man in the face for that one

Hmmmm I think that’s enough of sporadic old thoughts….new ones soon




Cant wait till the Boondocks make it to Adult Swim.........

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