Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Reliable Sources

Impetus, desire, drive, will, all are words that describe what compels a individual to certain action. You may have not witnessed me canvassing the streets of Metro Detroit Rasheed Wallace like with my dual procrastinator of they year titles, yet you should be informed that often it doesn’t take much to distract this LLI inflicted individual to engage in other forms of stimuli. As I type this at 10 am Sunday I’m fully dedicated to finishing my task of writing this blog, for my happiness will completely un beholden to personnel actions this afternoon as my beloved Steelers try to reach the glorious pinnacle know as the Super Bowl. Given the 50/50 odds that my team may lose, which would temporally destroy my will for living, let alone my love for writing. The prospects of victory aren’t much better for conceived prose either, seeing that victory would probably create incoherent ranting of a joyous drunkard. Given such circumstances let us begin.

A pre game chat with Jeff, a glorious football game, many beers, phone calls and a few days later……

So Osama Bin Laden released a Tape

last week, and the world went into a furor. Far be it from me to disregard the importance of such events, but such occurrences often lend me to reminisce. It might happen to be one of those “you know you grew up in the 80’s” things, but every time this guy releases a tape I get flashbacks of GI Joe or some lame beatem up arcade game where Cobra Commander or some other supreme evil leader commandeers all media in a way that would compel Howard Stern to never ogle another breast if he could possess such power.

The one widely heralded notion that precludes Osama’s media days from coinciding with my youthful sources of entertainment, is the fact that his correspondence never delineates the exact time or place of said eminent attacks. In my view the lack of horrific substance disseminated via Bin Laden’s oration knocks off about 95% of it’s importance, as it becomes the equivalent of sports bulletin board material. We don’t like them, and where going to fuck them up!!!!!!!!! . Okay tell us something we don’t know.

What I didn’t know was exactly how Osama’s oratory would be dissected and re released to the masses. If I was proficient in the art of profiling and let my prejudice roam free, I would have figured accurately the “Evil Genius’s (Sorry Green Lantern you don’t have shit on them) strewn throughout the republican ranks would conjure a ingenious way to manipulate his words for political gain. So what did they do?. They surmised that Osama’s speech sounded parelell to democrats and anti war citizens, observations and statements. Hey its not like that’s a bad thing, who doesn’t want to be compared to the worlds best known terrorist, well at least until Darth Sidious reveals himself.

Given that those from Michael Moore (who I find to be a accurate intelligent ass**** ever since the Kayla picture/ Charleston Heston episode) to the average anti war person seemed to have there own “I Have a Dream” speech scribed by Mr. Bin Laden I decided to read it for my self.

Only metal breaks metal, and our situation, thank God, is only getting better and better, while your situation is the opposite of that.

Hmm sad to say, but we don’t seem to have that Mission Accomplished feeling anymore

But I plan to speak about the repeated errors your President Bush has committed in comments on the results of your polls that show an overwhelming majority of you want the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. But he (Bush) has opposed this wish and said that withdrawing troops sends the wrong message to opponents, that it is better to fight them (bin Laden's followers) on their land than their fighting us (Americans) on our land.

It is better to fight tem on their land than their fighting us on……..oh (shakes head) I’m sorry it’s just when you hear something so often you kinda just repeat it with out knowing. At least It’s not as bad as when I was Singing Dead Prez’s “Fuck Da Law” at work. Polls are polls and facts are facts, and being evil does not make you inherently blind to either.

can reply to these errors by saying that war in Iraq is raging with no let-up, and operations in Afghanistan are escalating in our favor, thank God, and Pentagon figures show the number of your dead and wounded is increasing not to mention the massive material losses,

Wretchedly, every new day brings the news completely lacking of solace that more soldiers have perished thousands of miles away from those that hold them most dear. A disparaging destiny of being ignored is bestowed upon numerous more who are just labeled “injured”. Vastly invisible to the average eye, those maimed numbers rise along with there suffering, as the necessity to have disposed them to such a fate seems less valid daily

They (the news of mujahideen) and what the media report is the truth of what is happening on the ground. And what deepens the doubt over the White House's information is the fact that it targets the media reporting the truth from the ground. And it has appeared lately, supported by documents, that the butcher of freedom in the world (Bush) had decided to bomb the headquarters of the Al-Jazeera in Qatar after bombing its offices in Kabul and Baghdad.

Those with immense strength can make even the most empirical truth malleable, so one should be suspect of all news. And hey in support of the Prez some times winning the hearts and minds of people means you haft to get some blood on your hands. Can I honestly say that haven thought about throwing the hands with some of Fox News’s finest?

no difference between this criminality and Saddam's criminality, as it has reached the

degree of raping women and taking them as hostages instead of their husbands.As for torturing men, they have used burning chemical acids and drills on their joints. And when they give up on (interrogating) them, they sometimes use the drills on their heads until they die. Read, if you will, the reports of the horrors in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo prisons.

Who truly knows? Once you reach a certain level of wrong comparisons really aren’t necessary. The civilian casualties and torture bestowed upon human beings is abhorrent regardless.

The sensible people realize that Bush does not have a plan to make his alleged victory in Iraq come true.This is that Bush and his administration do not have the will or the ability to get out of Iraq for their own private, suspect reasons.

Ummmmmm Should I conjure up a lie as to not agree?

The reality shows that the war against America and its allies has not been limited to Iraq as he (Bush) claims. Iraq has become a point of attraction and restorer of (our) energies.

The reality projected seems to validate such a claim. Maybe it’s all part of the ingeanus fight them there not here thing.

The delay in similar operations happening in America has not been because of failure to break through your security measures. The operations are under preparation and you will see them in your homes the minute they are through (with preparations), with God's permission.

Yep nothing like that to get the old fuck Osama blood flowing again. I happen to hate threats. The sad truth is, that in a open society terror will never even come close to being fully preventable.

We don't mind offering you a long-term truce on fair conditions that we adhere to.We are a nation that God has forbidden to lie and cheat. So both sides can enjoy security and stability under this truce so we can build Iraq and Afghanistan, which have been destroyed in this war. There is no shame in this solution, which prevents the wasting of billions of dollars that have gone to those with influence and merchants of war in America who have supported Bush's election campaign with billions of dollars — which lets us understand the insistence by Bush and his gang to carry on with war.

WTF..Yeah that was my first reaction to. Then I thought about the history of the insidious conflicts known as war. They either end in mutual cease fire with nothing accomplished, one side completely crushing the other, or mutual peace. Making peace with those that who killed your people might seem like the most outrageous ideal to ever ponder, but then surmise why anyone would ever make peace with us then?

If you (Americans) are sincere in your desire for peace and security, we have answered you. And if Bush decides to carry on with his lies and oppression, then it would be useful for you to read the book Rogue State, which states in its introduction: "If I were president, I would stop the attacks on the United States: First I would give an apology to all the widows and orphans and those who were tortured. Then I would announce that American interference in the nations of the world has ended once and for all."

Damn I feel like an Enemy of the State, Rogue State” was a good book I thought.

A swimmer in the ocean does not fear the rain. You have occupied our lands, offended our honor and dignity and let out our blood and stolen our money and destroyed our houses and played with our security and we will give you the same treatment. Don't let your strength and modern arms fool you. They win a few battles but lose the war. Patience and steadfastness are much better. We were patient in fighting the Soviet Union with simple weapons for 10 years and we bled their economy and now they are nothing. In that there is a lesson for you.

People selectively see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. Because one is notoriously deficient in some aspect of good humanity does not mean they are incapable of espousing truth. If truth comes from a hated source, it doesn’t mean that such truth should be discredited and ignored. If two people of of polar opposite natures one good and the other evil, agree on the same thing, would it be just as foolish to assume that the evil person was now good because they agreed with the good person just as the good person would be automatically evil if in agreement with the evil soul? I guess the truth no longer sets you free, it just gets you slandered.

Phrase I Hate this Week: “Street Cred” People should be forced to submit a logical base for any terms the freely scourge the populace with. Contrary to wide spread belief, performing a criminal does not automatically gets praise ushered your way via the streets, nor is it the sole path to be taken to credibility. More ominous, who are these supposed “streets” people speak of?

Extremism no matter its origin is wrong. I say this as I continue my sojourn to try to find any decent political talk show to listen two ( I already have given up on sports, for ESPN radio sucks.) I tried to listen to Air America Radio, but the vast majority of it is the same bombastic tirades of the right draped in liberal clothing. So please. if any of you have any recommendations feel free to share.

Fuck Wolf Blitzer

Mario Lemieux recently retired, he more than any other reason is why I wish hockey was more respected.

It might just be me, but in the 2006 should we not be astonished to find coal mining is dangerous. Should we not bestow that energy to feeling ashamed that “Crunk” music is immensely popular? Maybe right after slavery, but jeez not now.

Oh Yeah…….


.. ILLIM365


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