When times where simpler (or maybe I just was) I often had a penchant of reciting chemically induced freestyles. During the utterance of spontaneously generated prose, I sometimes became over come with a loss of words, causing me to fall back on my trusted phrase (What Da Fuck!!??!!). Why do I once again conjure up the soul of the 90’s? When trying to summarize the collective view of this weeks event, the trusty three word phrase was once again called into duty. My official statement on the so called apathy of Americans is “They don’t give a fuck like Nuns or Prostitutes”. Why? well because as I write this its 70 degrees in Michigan on November 3rd meaning some super villain has gotten a hold of a weather machine or global warming as a old school rapper would say is “in full effect” and because…………………..
Can You Find The Hidden Prison?
In it’s everlasting quest to bring joy to the masses it seems that our government has engaged in helping hundreds of families reenact there favorite chosen cinematic story of love and determination, by creating the opportunity for individuals to “scour the earth” for there missing love ones. The prior actions of individuals and entities tend to construct the perceptions placed upon them, so surely I would only expect the most ostentatious of stratagems from the good folks that bought us such classics as MKULTRA ….Coientelpro and almost let Reinhard Gehlen
lead us to nuclear annihilation. Yes it seems that the good folks at the CIA have been placing human beings in covert prisons that not even the most expensive of GPS machinery can locate. While it can be logically acute to state a large numerical swath of our citizenry condones or is largely indifferent to, by most moral and legal standards, reprehensible detention of hundreds of souls in the name of the war on terror unless the possible torture of a prisoner leads to a 20 cent raise in gas prices, the CIA is taking no chances. It seems that the benevolent government agency has been giving free room and board to individuals lucky enough to be deemed terrorist or enemy combatants in hidden prisons scoured throughout eight countries like palatial Thailand to those located in the historical Eastern Europe region. .What makes these prisons horrifically unique is there oversight or lack thereof. Not even those who comprise the most powerful governing body in the history of man (yes or congress man/women is important) have any knowledge of the location let alone practices at the so called “black sites”. Yes, the location and polices of said prisons are only known to the most qualified of individuals ie: the President and top agency officials. In the spirit of preemptive action, this consortium is already trying to relive the CIA responsibility of not pursing “cruel and degrading treatment of any prisoner in U.S. custody” in proposed legislation. Hey what worker wants to give up rights and privileges? Hmm let me pose a question to you….how would your actions be altered if you had no oversight to or repercussions for your actions? I thought so. The pain of not knowing is infinitely more painful than the cold solace of closer. Even if you believe that it is correct to arrest and detain persons for indefinite periods of time with out formally charging them, our granting the right to legal council and due process, can you at least find that the family members of those held should know where they are being seized? If a man is being tortured but nobody can locate the prision he’s at to be able to hear him scream….is he really being tortured? I think I’m gonna go pimp smack my boss tomorrow and tell the pigs it was in the best interest of national security.
Boy Them Negros Surrre is Fasssst.
A few years ago I succumbed to the conclusion that if you took a average individual and subjected them to all forms of American media for 3 years or more, then injected them with sodium pentothal and asked them there general perception on 3 races say……Asian Black and White…they would state: Asians are smarter than Pentium chips, cant drive, never break the law and have little dicks, Blacks have big dicks, are ungodly superior in athletic feats, sire children like fish and commit almost all of the crime, while White people seem to embody the perfect amalgamation of all prior mentioned qualities contributing to them being human equivalent of a happy medium. Now the hypotheses, just predicted likely stereotypes that would be formulated. Some say that stereotypes are hurtful completely untrue and should be eradicated from ones conscious. I agree. Then I don’t. Sad to say stereotypes are like good jokes, they are always founded, no matter how miniscule or subjectively altered it may be, on a element of truth. This brings us the 67 year old Air Force football coach Fisher Deberry who after recivig a routine service accadamy ass kicking on the gridiron spoke candidly on the reason why. "They had a lot more Afro-American players than we did and they ran a lot faster than we did", followed by "It just seems to me to be that way," "Afro-American kids can run very well. That doesn't mean that Caucasian kids and other descents can't run, but it's very obvious to me that they run extremely well.". The referencing of a race of people by a hair style 30 yrs plus removed from it’s apex (come to think of it even “Mullet Americans” seems kind of harsh) not with standing, I could just refute his beliefs with personal experience, such as my participating in athletic event with supremely talented white people, or my woefully anemic hooping skills, but I would ultimately be undone by my admittedly above average speed ,quickness, and jumping ability and the reality that personal experience is the worst base to base a foundation on. So I shall turn to the truth, in America black athletes on average, not in a genetically inherent, applying to every black person since the dawn of time way, are better. There I said it, and I believe it, because I know it. Now of course the political correctness scourge poured in and chastised and shamed Mr Deberry into a expedient apology, while he hoped to retain his position that many where calling for. While I found his comments extremely ignorant, they did not anger me at all. The national commentary generally ran the gamut of “he coulda just said it in a better way” or “aren’t we at a point in this country where we can just laugh at stuff like this”? Wow. The whole say it better thing kina rankles me for the simple fact it’s just code for “be fake” about it. Say what you mean, mean what u say. Dan Patrick and others who posed that we should just laugh at the “old, out of touch white coach” receive thanks from me for the sole reason of giving rationale for me to utilize the word “patronize” because that’s what they where doing to me by posing that question. As previously stated I don’t believe the coaches premise was wrong, which would by default mean I concur with his truth. The problem with some truth’s tho is that they tend to branch out to other false hoods, and people tend not to understand the reason behind the accepted truth. Tho I and 99% of black people can’t tell you exactly where in the content our ancestors stem from, we as African Americans (damn I hate that term) are decedents of Africa. Geographically speaking you could fit three centennial U.S’s inside of Africa, let alone the expansive population, which would seem to be a bountiful harvest for all institutions specializing in athletics to pick from. Alas in an age where scouts spare no expense in search of talent whithin there perspective sports, I seem to not see Africans dominating nothing except your yearly “Boston Marathon” Two simple sayings, there is a reason for everything, and, people avoid the truth. I don’t care what group of human beings you take in this world, if you breed them for and subject them to 400 yrs or continuous hard labor, while prohibiting diversification of lifestyle under penalty of death, I guarantee they will become the best athletes where they reside. Such ideas and discourse are purposely suppressed, which leads to people believing that “Black People where always better athletes” which in turn cause belief in other stereotypes….the cycle continues……
Random Thoughts
“Brownie your doing a heck of a job” That was the ubiquitous quote uttered by our Commander and chief in the days after Hurricane Katrina, lauding the former Fema director Michael Brown’s efforts. Let’s look at some of those efforts shall we. When told the situation was past critical, by a Fema official stating food and water where rapidly depleting possibly leading to riot causing conditions "... you know the situation is past critical," .. "Estimates are many will die within hours." Brown replied via e-mail “"Thanks for the update. Anything specific I need to do or tweak?” That’s it no more no less.. Have you ever wanted to choke someone who seemed to be oblivious or just didn’t plain care about the importance of a certain situation? Okay then, join me in the desire or grasping the neck of Mr. Brown who during what arguably was and still ongoing, Americas most horrifying natural disaster, spoke “Can I quit now? Can I come home?" and "I'm trapped now, please rescue me.," which has to be in my view one of the most egregious comments self serving comments in history, given the people who he was in charge of saving where latterly trapped and dying while he postponed action for such pertinent actions as going to a Baton Rouge restaurant for din din. I’m still haven’t reached the point where I can remotely laugh let alone smirk at the Hurricanes aftermath, but I find it sadly ironic that when I noticed that the president and other government officials had there sleeves rolled up, I thought it was somewhat contrived, and the e-mails to and from Brown confirm it as so, for he was berated for not rolling up his. While you are thinking “boy that guy is a piece of shit” know this, even tho he resigned his post, the man is still recives his six figure salary. Hmmmm So a bartender can serve a women a drink that she wanted which cause her death, and get charged with man slaughter, but a man show cogent ignorance and callous to those he swore to protect gets a paid vacation? Smh
So the Democrats held a closed session in the chambers of Congress and vowed to impede normal operation until a concise review of the possible misleading of the public during the march to the war on Iraq. A couple of things. 1.It’s nice to see that the Democrats are showing some heart and resolve for actual important issues. 2 It untimely doesn’t matter: If the Democrats let there nuts hang during the debates leading up to the invasion of Iraq instead of having the acid in there stomach melt them, maybe we wouldn’t need said investigation, many lives would still exist, and we would be slightly less hated. Bottom line mostly all sane people knew the grounds for our military action was based upon pure bullshit, but the democrats in office, to shook to take a stand for what was right and good, followed along with any and all incursions performed by the Hawkish Bush administration during that time. All the republicans can and will say is…You democrats supported action based on the same info, which they did.
Isaiah Thomas makes Al Campanis seem right.
I can’t think of a Bigger piece of human scum than Bill Romanowski
I’ll say it, and challenge anyone to call me disrespectful and unappreciative, Rosa Parks death did not need to receive all that coverage, at all. If it exists, I might just go to hell, cause I was heated that they cut away from Monday Night Football in the Detroit area to discuss it
The term “Urban” fucks with me
msn- Daconection@hotmail.com
yahoo- illaimofdaconection
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