Saturday, February 17, 2007

2008 The Barackomania Edition

One of the most crushing blows life delivers to those lucky enough to hold on its to precious finite quality, is the realization that something intrinsically important to us is utterly flawed without the slightest inkling of rectifying its self. Personally I've come along this tract concerning politics. Given recently attained understandings and realizations, the zeal which usually accompanies .a potential major political change has disappeared, eliminated by the often dogged truth that nothing adequately substantial will occur with the ascendance of a new candidate. Now I'm definitely not stating that voting is useless or uttering the apathetic mantra of "it doesn't matter", rather I'm exuding the pragmatic qualities within my being. Until it is no longer a necessity for candidates to acquire "Power Ball" equivalent "war chest" sums derived from fundraising to even be considered to be a legitimate candidate, and the American public shows the ability to stomach the serum of blunt truth from those running for office, the significant changes needed within the polity will never be derived from the executive office. Such a sordid reality was partly exposed to me when amazingly somehow Al Sharpton was making the most cogent arguments during the last election, and I'm predisposed t to be highly skeptical of all designs spouted by Black men who rock perms. Now, let it not be believed that the lack of significant positive change stemming from a election doesn't mean the choice the land won't cause catastrophic results for the rest of the world. In plain language, our commander in chief might not hold the world in the palm of his hands, but she/he directly determines the life spans of hundreds of thousands if not millions across the globe. So while I might view Al Gore as a soft ass punk, (and Mr. Gore your not special, Dr. Seuss told me about global warming in the mid 80's during a very informative elementary school film) and John Kerry as another incorrigible moderate Democrat, I voted for them both, for I required no Nostrodamus like qualities to foresee the cataclysmic results Bush's accession to the highest office in the land would ensure. I disseminate such views in the context of knowing that the 21 months until the next presidential election will rapidly expire like any recent non 9/11 tragedy from the American conscious. The habitually inept news media also seem to be aware of the object in the mirror being closer than it appears and have preformed in ways varying from informative to extremely patronizing. Well given these realities, and the fact that I've already spent precious hours of my life scouring the net for mock 2007 NFL drafts, I figure the least I could do as a "citizen" assess my early thoughts on a few of the 2008 Presidential Candidates. This week I shall focus upon...:

Barack Obama

My initial plan was to maintain a serious nature with this blog, but honestly the first thought that came to mind when trying to conjure up this opening sentence was, "Light Skin niggaz is back!!!". To all those non familiar with slightly ignorant inside Black humor I apologize, but sometimes you haft to laugh to avoid punching holes in inanimate and animate objects alike. I'm sure you've heard the story by now everybody seems to be in "love" with Mr. Obama. "He's so charismatic"." He's just what the country needs". "He embodies so much of what is great about this country". Did I miss something? Until a former Trim Spa hawking celebrity who should have been called up the Maury Povich show passed away I could have swore Jesus had come back, and yes indeed he was a Black Man, given the massive media attention given to him. The main question is why? Why are we daily updated on the seemingly fanatical "BarackOmania" tour stops daily, as if we will perish without them? I ask these queries for two simple reasons

"Sorry This Blog has been interrupted to announce that Damien Bradley Has Become The First Black Man Write a Blog while Smoking a Black N Mild, Downloading a Havana Ginger movie, and laughing at Camron screaming Cuuuuuurrrrrrrtiiiiisssss"

What on his scant political resume denotes rationale for such immense attention? ..And. Fuck Audacity of Hope, what has really given the masses the Audacity to think Obama can actually win? Maybe "Deep Impact" was more popular than I thought, and the populace has been watching just a little to much 24, so please allow me to snatch some from alternate realities back into the one which we all reside.

While not direct indicator of future immobility, history is great foundation to build summarizations upon. So what does American history tell us about our voting constituency and their propensity or lack thereof to elect a Black President? Bluntly, that the odds are slightly greater than attaining tickets to a 2Pac concert with Kurt Cobain starring as the opening act. Taking the highly manipulated and gerrymandered House of Representatives out of the equation, one only has to look at the Nations Governorships to surmise doesn't want to elect a Black President ( Asking if America is Ready is so misleading). There have only been 3…yes…3 Black Governors in our nations history and even that is debatable seeing that 1 of those wasn't elected but appointed as a temporary replacement. So? You belligerently state. Well the nations 50 states are a perfect platform for the Black President litmus test. While his or her politics, competition, and overall quality as a candidate are all factors that determined their electability, Americas states have repeatedly stated that Black candidates are not qualified to hold the highest office within a given state. If the race for presidential office can be seen as a battle for individual states, then the failure rate of Black candidates historically running for governor is very telling. So much is made of the "Black Vote" and the propensity of supposed racial voting solidarity amongst Black people, but the truth is getting White people to vote for Black candidates is often a Herculean feat to accomplish. Numbers talk and certain threads of ideology have the ability to traverse a state, while others are halted at regional boarders. There is a lot of pasture and forest between many metropolitan areas.

Another humbling fact hampering Mr Obama is the last 2 Democratic presidents where southern moderates. Now he has the whole moderate thing down, so much so that I haft to often question myself as to if I'm a Obama hater or just truly just not a fan of his politics and fraudulent witch like praise bestowed upon him, until he is fattened up just right as to be devoured by those who feigned, hope and belief in him. Know matter how moderate or religious he is, cannot change the fact that he is neither Southern or that he is Black in the South. I would put up my pittance of a paycheck every week that millions of Southern voters would gladly post a ballot for Ulysses s Grant before Barack. Now I'm not being overly cynical and stating no Black man could ever be elected in this nation, but I am saying its damn sure not going to be Barack Obama. Please let us be real with ourselves, the first Black president is going to haft to be Republican. No matter how articulate and safe Sen. Biden might think Mr. Obama is, the phrase Black Democratic is still acidic to the tongue of many, and congers up harrowing visions that aren't nearly as funny as that Dave Chappelle skit they love so much. When I say Black Republican I don't mean the walking punch line that goes by the moniker of Alan Keys (or a disappointing historic song by Nas n Jay-Z) I'm speaking more in terms of a pre lying his ass off committing credibility suicide at the U.N Colin Powell, he holds the soothing conforming political outlook America adores, and maintains a extremely reputable military and political background. Which reminds me…… what exactly has Barack done…and for how long? Now that question could and can be asked of many candidates, but for the sake of this discussion. If I had better HTML skill I would insert the sound of crickets here. I still haven't come to grips with which one was/is more madding, Barack's miniscule resume or Hillary Clinton refusing to take a stance on ANYTHING.

America pleased don't be fooled, a sole candidate can't and won't change us, only we can change us in concerns of the fairness in our thinking. Given how the majority of this land ponders political scenarios, all of this Barack watch stuff is almost nothing more than grandiose patronizing that makes a mockery out of reality or at worse creates a false one some would like you to believe exists.

Truthfully tho if I was to receive a phone call from the only type of telemarketers I can tolerate, political pollsters, I would say at the moment that Barack would be tied for first place with Hillary and an unnamed Green Party candidate for my vote.

I never said I liked my options


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