I've always hated Dog The Bounty Hunter… Sharing a domicile with somebody who watches it semi religiously will do that to an individual. Reality crafted disdain for various forms of slave catchers aside, my true indignation with the A&E show currently in a peculiar state of flux stems from the "I care about you" and "We wanna help you get your life together" serenade right before the bail jumper becomes reacquainted with our fine criminal justice system. Its funny how the "C*** S**** mutha*****" of just 5 mins ago being slammed around for not being still even though he seemed to being doing his best mannequin impression, becomes a good guy one he is transformed into a shackled paycheck.
Americas fascination with assholes, whose abhorrent behavior towards others is covertly justified on a repeated basis (House, Hells Kitchen etc) while making for a good discussion on psychology, isn't the theme of this piece. Frivolous diversionary debates within a national discussion whose only crowning achievement is the successful maneuvering of millions of Americans from obvious fact, reign topically supreme today due to the pure idiocy they help spawn cultivate and project.
A simple test question please
A. The Sun Rises in the Morning
B. Water is wet
C. Dog The Bounty hunter likes to say nigger is his free time.
Which of these facts should shock or amaze you?
A,B,C, or D none of the above.
No in vein and all that, but Jesus Christ I hope you said D.
This is not to say you can just view the man and tell he likes to liven up his conversations with a lil bit of nigger seasoning because as many have said "he just looks like that type of guy". I refuse to subscribe to that logic for it is the same rational that seems cause many to think I look like a carjacker. No, if one just would just put the most minimal of efforts against the forces of obliviousness and denial a simple truth will instantaneously appear before them.
There are millions of racist people in this country
Metaphorically speaking, the world itself is a bastion of racism and
So why should this common example of mathematical probability and social conditioning, enthrall, anger, and entangle a populous in conversation worth less then 2 cents in Brittan?
Hey… did you know birds have wings?….and they use them to flllyyyy
There it was though, all in a manner that would turn anyone whose paid attention to similar incidents into a instant Nostradamus.
Guy with racist comments has show suspended.
Racist comment person makes laughably insincere apology
Friends come out to state in no way is racist comment guy is..well racist. (Black Friends are a plus)
Al Sharpton aka The
The media Blames Hip Hop..
The media blames Hip Hop again.
The media does a Randy Poffo-esque flying elbow on…… okay I digress.
I'll save the critique of present understandings of American linguist history and the genesis of Black self imagery for another time, but just the restrictive black n white rules of engagement employed is these discussions alone expose the inner idiot or sordid agenda of many, while simultaneously stunting the growth of lands humanity
Black people say this, it was a private conversation that, basically leads to the equivalent of adults participating in verbal game of sit and spin leaving us all disorientated when we walk away .
Again I ask you, why is it a such a big deal when a entertainer who derives from our vast pool of racism acts and a somewhat normal manner?
Well while I wait for your reply I'll surmise this:
No cracks in the American Façade can or will be tolerated.
By sacrificing Duane Dog Chapmen to the gods of bullshit media,
Being a land filled with racist.
Not a land where everyone is racist
Not a land where white people are the only racist
But a racist land.
Like Kramer and Imus before him he is trotted out and presented as an anomaly in
No body wants to admit, at least not our "free" media, that our melting pot is filled with lead.
Some will say its because he has a tangible amount of fame, and on a elemental level I can agree somewhat.Famous people are no matter the riches they enjoy or how extravagant their lifestyle is, are still pawns. Like all famous people Dog serves a exceedingly important purpose…..distraction.
You can't think about Iraqi babies be burned alive in a car shot up at a U.S check point while watching Tom Brady decimate another defense, and you can't have subtanative conversation about the origins, and immense permeation of racism in ALL facets of our society in the hopes of enacting better conduct amongst ourselves while putting a reality tv star on a racial crucifix.
You can however help maintain inadequate status quo by rhythmically dancing around the real issues, while taking massive doses of placebo for an illness.
Yesterday I had the unfortunate pleasure of walking in from work and seeing Dr. Phil on tv with Al Sharpton, T.D Jakes, and "rap star" Master P, discussing Chapmen… A friend succinctly describe the panel as "A tour de force of wackness" .
I concur, but its only a microcosm of the weakness we are wallowing in at the moment.
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