Sunday, December 4, 2005

Aint No. Love.........

Some time ago when my confidence level was consistently perilously low, and wisdom was a commodity I wasn’t old enough to have on my person, I coined a simple yet durably truthful phrase. “I Hate Winter”. Being a person who tries to analyze events, the action of demonizing a entire season seems extremely bias. Horrid troubles occurred during the latest and earliest of months of any year I breathed, which winter only provided frostbite to alleviate suffering transforming me into a immense seasonal bigot without shame. Yes for over a decade in no certain order it ha been Bill Romonowski, the Republican Party, and Winter. What light is to mogwai’s, Winter was to Damien . Yes…was…. Even tho I have much reason to be a angry depressed malcontent,…conrary to the pictures you view…I have a smile adorning my face. Maybe the clarity of appropriate perspective has allotted me the freedom to escape the clutches of frozen ills. May be I have a sickened indifference, No matter the reason I’m no longer beefing with winter, and I’m sure you gave just about as much of a f$^* about that tidbit of information as I did about Oprah and David Lettermen cease…………..

Pardon Me Govna…

I’m not a killer, and no I didn’t stay at a holiday in last night or save a lot on car insurence...but I do believe in the death penalty. Now before political south paw friends conjure up ill will for a newfound ideological heretic, please hear me out, even super villains are offered that right. While many argue with legitimate merit that the death penalty inception was predicated on revenge or to satisfy evil pleasures I view it’s basic purpose as a deterrent. Yes, elites in power structures determine what should be dissuaded, often in a morally lacking interest based tone. Given that within the borders of the United States the death penalty is generally reserved for the most horrid of crimes, the rational debate can be subdued for the sake of this discussion temporally. The death penalty is not wrong but the implantation and execution (it was the best word available…seriously) are the ills that make the death penalty a travesty in this country. Most criminals who commit crimes that potentially could land them on death row, spare little thought on being put to death by the state. Why? It often takes many years if not decades to execute persons condemned to death. Not Exactly Roman LIke Death Penalties are often forecasts of “life in prison with the possibility of lethal injection” I’ve often held the belief that if executions where held in a more expedient manner, say like in Asian countries many people would think about…let alone think twice, the consequences of there conjured potential actions. Please do not picture me typing this with blood covered hands ala Reggie Noble’s first album cover. Honestly I believe that life in prison is a much worse fate then the dearth penalty and given the authority when one most be chosen I would choose the former. I do recognize the racial and other bias that determine who gets such a undesired fate bestowed upon them, I opt to not let those facts blind me from the ideal that the death penalty is not a inherently bad practice. All of these words lead to a point. Tookie. In recent weeks the potential, maybe imminent execution of Stan “Tookie” Williams Meet Tookie has been banterd about many of media outlets and by default the general populace. Williams, 51 was convicted in 1979 four the murder of four individuals sentenced to death by the state, which seems to finial come calling this month. Given his notoriety and subsequent transformation, his earthly demise has become a rallying point for those opposed to the death penalty, or at least death being implemented in this particular case. Yes luminaries from Snoop Dogg to Jessie Jackson have come to the defense of Tookie, and who am I to judge? Williams has been nominated for a Nobel peace prize and has over a decades worth of society improving(many life saving) good deeds attributed to his person. If the term penitentiary is derived from “penitence”, Williams is a prime example of what the system and society should wish for.

Yet I don’t care if he dies.

My rational for such a opinion isn’t based on logic, and what logic I might use is practically evil, partaken for good purpose. There are many people on death rows or trapped in prison period that deserve the media attention resources and ultimately compassion Tookie is receiving at this very moment. I know not the exact details of Williams’s case, but what I feel, is based on his creation, The Crips gang. There is no amount of repentance that Williams can undertake that could compensate the thousands who have been adversely affected by his, until fairly recent renunciation, life’s work. I’m angered at my self for not being able to conjure a stronger word than adversely to express the plight of those who lost loved ones thru death, or various forms of extended agony because of the nation wide virulent impact of the Crips gang. The correlation might be weak, and his vision might not have been as vile as the actual reality, but the abomination Williams bestowed upon society cause me to feel no remorse for him.

On a social political bent, defending Tookie Is plain foolish. I commend and understand those who are sickened by the death penalty, but defending Williams only makes their goal harder to attain. Defending Tookie places death penalty adversaries in a position of being viewed as zealots who will defend the most detestable of societies legions. Maybe they are, and maybe that’s not a bad thing, but on a opportunity cost level, saving Tookie, could “cost” many others there lives. I wish death on no one, but Mr Williams is not the person you wrap your cause around.

Yes …this piece was baisly affected by the writer’s experiences on Pittsburgh streets circa 1991-1998

Random Thought

Yes we are but nothing but human, and trust I have nothing against Porn…..but doesn’t Kirk Franklin’s admitted relapse into “Booty Talks” seem kinda….well wrong? Morals are the most subjective of things, and I don’t criticize others cuz .how do I even know if mines are good. Mr. Franklin however does judge others but default thru his work, and by my estimation he has one count of Thief and another one of freaky hypocrite attached to his character. He’s is just as fake as your favorite thug rapper who hasn’t shot a nigga since laser tag.

I saw “War of the Worlds” recently and never have I wished a quick yet painful fate for a film’s supposed heroes. Maybe I’m old fashioned, or maybe it’s the family distributed ass kicking’s I received as a child, but I really believe that kids should know there place and show some tangibly visible respect to there parents. I few seconds ago I thought that if it exists, me and Kirk Franklin prolly had equal chancesof getting into heaven.. The fact that I really really dislike Dakota Fanning…..prolly sets me back in the race for eternal bliss tho.

Service Workers…….I have been one of you…..I prolly will be one again before my life is thru……..No matter what the orientation tapes and you manger impress upon you to do so….Do not say “Thank you ______________ come again.” Unless you fucken mean it…..Damn I hate insincerity. Let the bullshit facade go…your fakeness ruins my experience more than any other possible action. Damn it.

Michelle Rodriguez

made headlines for DUI

this week. Now maybe I should discuss why I happen to be attracted to a women who seemly could beat the shit fuck out of me (not literally), but why DUI is natinol news at all. The hypocritical nature of the law disgusts me. Who catches the bus or walks to the bar, the game, the club? Thought so…..

And I held such feeling before my I caught a DUI



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