Saturday, December 17, 2005

Is it just me?....................

The vivid nature of that morning still resonates with me. Sprawled out on the couch shaking from the frigid winter temperatures Michigan provides, yet to lazy to leave my comfort zone to venture on a mission to turn up the heat, the taste of Heineken still resonating against my senses and the frivolous Madden victories of the night before holding a press conference with my ego, I received a phone call. I hold as much compassion for morning phone calls as Miami Cubans contain for Fidel. Being arisen from a “r.e.m” (no not the group) sleep induced sexual tryst as a lad, only to be ordered to perform some ridiculous task in earlier days, led me to concoct the controversial belief that one should never call a black man before 10am unless they are family and 11 am if they are friends or associates. My crude attitude in tow, I faintly heard the tune of “G’s and Hustlers” in my ear while being more aggravated by the fact my phone, also set on vibrate, did its best jackhammer impression on the glass table next to me. Extremely temperamental, I picked up the phone around 8:30 with a jagged “hello”!!!?!! One of my best friends replied, “We got Em”. Got him got who? “We got him, Saddam they caught him hiding in a hole with all types of loot yo they got that nigga!”. That event occurring exactly two years ago might have been the crescendo of the U.S military efforts in Iraq. Only the toppling of his towering stone resemblance

apexes the image of a disheveled Saddam Hussein being picked and probed for all of the worlds viewing pleasure (unless your heartless and count this “Tighty Whities The proverbial dragon was slayed. Even tho our main focus was pronounced as finding and destroying those potential apocalypse causing WMD, preceding the death shock and awe provided. The capture of Hussein was a tremendous boon to the self righteous American psyche. Millions of souls, political scientists, to the most apolitical such as my friend, immersed themselves within in the vicarious pride of capturing a tyrant. Why wouldn’t we be elated? For the last 16 years the American public has been inundated with public proclamations about how Saddam was our very own modern incarnation of Hitler. Once a key allay Hussein was/is cast as a “animal” who murdered and tortured his own people at his nefarious whim. We where informed we could not wait for him to enact his mushroom cloud wishes upon our lot that he was sure to pursue once he was able. In short, like most evil men, he was important. So I ask you this. Where is the trial? Sure we get a couple photo’s

of Saddam waving his fist in a angry manner with some trite discussion wrapped up in a 3 min package between Nicole Riche’s book and how Howard Stern moving to satellite radio will alter the world as we know it, but nothing substantial. If I was the cynical type I would feel that America cares more about a retired "Good Negro" athlete stabbing a coked up white chick, then its, gasp national security? What happened to we must stay vigilant?

I’m fairly sure that if they were presently occurring, the Nuremberg trials would be omnipresent on media formats. Yes a stretch of an analogy…but I’m not the one who labeled Saddam a modern Hitler, and the star of that act didn’t even show up. Pondering why Saddam isn’t getting the O.J or even Iran Contra/ Anita Hill Clarence Thomas treatment, even tho we have given immensely two things we don’t like to share, blood and money for him, I came up with a few theories.

Maybe the trial is a sham.

All that tricky nation state system and national sovereignty icky complexity aside, I can say that if I had to put a bottle of goose on it, Saddam hasn’t always been the lovingly grandpa type towards certain segments of the populace he ruled over. If we where to ignore the fact that we had no actual right to dispose him and concluded that he deserved to be put on trial., many other key facets of said trial would be left to situate. The term “trial of the victors” has rarely been more apparent. If one is confident of victory in there cause, why should they cheat? The plain fact that this trial is being convened under U.S occupation mangles any shred of credibility it wishes to display. The rest of the planet seems to recognize the inherent flaws of this trial and largely have rebuffed supporting it. A angry Condoleezza Rice fumed All who express their devotion to human rights and the rule of law (how ironic)have a special obligation to help the Iraqis bring to justice one of the world's most murderous tyrants," when discussing the lack of international support for the trial(. It amazes me that a genius such as her self (no sarcasm) can’t grasp the simple childhood logic of shunning activities that one is not permitted fair inclusion in. These are simple matters that the International Court of Justice could easily alleviate, but instead leave our nation looking more unjust. Which leads to ……

Maybe They want to avoid bad P.R

We do have a leader that attended a Ivy league school you know, and he is surrounded by intelligent denizens who utilize there objective knowledge in questionable abet effective ways. Why would they persuade, pressure, or suggest giving this event a broad platform, which people like my self who wanted to see a Bush vs Saddam debate , among other citizens, the ability to consume possible flaws mentioned, in our dissemination of peace and freedom policies. Better I guess to stick to a few random prime time intrusions and State of the Union Address which give me even more reason to hate the Patriots

Untimely i really feel the main issue is……


We are the Big brothers who ignore the little sisters dangerous forays with guys at a extremely young age. A daily sample of life affords one very faint clues that a war is occurring in our mist. Now that the zeal fueled by hurt, fear, anger and ignorance has subsided, no one really cares about Saddam’s trial in particular or the war in general. We are slaves to our own distraction and avoidance of pain in this context. The crux of the situation is unique, for if the trial was placed on major stations, more people would by default be immersed in such matters, but it possible said stations are waiting for the public clamor to do so. Reality does suggest the televised medium has to make a profit.

I don’t know, maybe its just me being outlandish with thought that after spending Billons of dollars and the loss of thousands of more precious lives, that we would be at least given the opportunity to fully witness the enemy who was hell bent on our destruction.

Yeah…that’s kinda unreasonable after contemplation.

.. ILLAIM365


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