Sunday, November 5, 2006

I Don't Recall........

Okay…there are various tactics, philosophies, and ideals involved in parenting. Some are admittedly better than others, but they all share one quality, a vivid everlasting legacy. Why do I conjure up memories that might cause some in your immediate family not to receive Christmas gifts? Well a certain political tactic has recently reverted my mind back to the 80's.

Scenario: Parent or guardian "Didn't I tell you to some random task yesterday??!!!??

Narrator: As the one being asked ponders the question, he understands…that there was a good possibility he was never told to do anything…or his still formulating cognitive system might be failing him and he simply can't remember whether he was or not.

Damien: You didn't tell me to do anything………

(Interrupted by violent response)

Narrator…: A week later we see ourselves at the same Impasse…

Scenario: Parent or guardian: "Didn't I tell you to some random task yesterday??!!!??

Damien: I don't remember.

Narrator :…….(We are interrupted again by more violence)

The necessity of violence to archive the ultimate good can be debated; its historical track record of effectiveness can not, which brings me back to our current era. Violence taught me that "I don't know" "I don't recall" and "I can't remember" are all unacceptable responses. Sans scenarios involving, 256 pound line backers, out of control SUV's or gallons of Grey Goose, 99% of the time when somebody states "I don't recall" they are bs'n you. Even worse they are acting in a way which manipulates while also insulting your intelligence. Numerous persons of all hues and orientations are known to elicit this practice when deemed necessary, but in the interest of being honest in divulging where the impetus of this writing, I must administer credit where it is due. Let's again give a rousing applause to the evil yet frighteningly effective Republicans.

Just as I had begun to make livable peace with some of Dr. Condoleezza Rice's proclivities, you know telling the 9/11 commission they that PDB memo titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Inside US" she looked over in August of 2001 seemed to be nothing more than an "Historical Document" and was nothing to get all bent out of shape about, or fucking (excuse the language getting kinda angry when I think about this) ahem.. fucking buying shoes and playing Tennis, while depending on which window she coulda chose to peer through, one of her countries major cites was being decimated, Americans where suffering…or…her people?? were literally dying from neglect. Yes I thought I had made peace with the evil genius. I figured that when my homie Kevin and I started this little side hustle T- Shirt business and my vision of a oversized T with Ms. Rice's picture and name emblazoned on the front and in bold lettering "White House Nigga" (you steal my idea I break your arm) lacing the back, I could express my anger while concurrently releasing it from my being and making a latent profit off of misery like any good American would do. Well all chances of me semi suppressing my justified hate vanished when questioned about a assertion of a meeting between her and former CIA director George Tenet in a recently released Bob Woodward "State of Denial" book, where Tenet allegedly warned her of an impending al Qaida attack, she reverted to stating she didn't recall such a meeting. Now Rice is a certified genius who at that time held the post of National Security Advisor, a position that one would rightly surmise a good memory would become a welcome if not necessary asset. Given the surrounding elements I could come to no other conclusion that she was lying, for if she wasn't, why not just say "I was never told such a thing at that time". Well the said reason her and others like soon to be former house speaker Dennis Hastert, who didn't recall being told about a certain pedophile under his watch over a year ago, posses an incessant inability to recall events others deem important epochs in their time.

Unlike the child who states that his parent is wrong and by default is conducting an investigation under the premise of a lie, to preserve his/her honesty in the face of a potential bludgeoning, politicians "can't remember" in a tacit effective ploy to deceive and lie without out right lying. It's too potentially dangerous to flat out deny an action or event, because your lie can be exposed, but if you contract what Sean Carter once coined as "convenient amnesia" you follow a tactic that the court plea of "no contest" will forever envy, the onus is on the populace to decide. Given semantics tends to distract yet utterly confuse the average person like a cat fiddling with string, claiming lapse in memory is a grand path to follow while treading the murky swamps trying to maintain political credibility. Just don't try to use this ploy with ya parents if they don't believe in the "time out" corner.

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