Saturday, June 30, 2007

To Much Ron Paul D*** L***** and what about a Gravel Rendition?

It all started a few months ago. While perusing my friends request filled meaningless similarly photographed females practicing bad English urging me to view their pics, and wayward musicians who hadn't actually visited my page but wanted me to become one of there acolytes, I saw a appeal from some guy named Ron Paul.

Given the 08 incased within the thumbnail I decided to do my best to become and informed citizen and go check his page out. Upon a speedy Cox cable arrival the first thing I noticed was Paul happened to be a Republican. Hmmm, it seemed that they didn't get the memo that the last Republican I liked was Thaddeus Stevens.

Despite my warranted G.O.P skepticism, I decided to give his platform a honest shot. Everything was good until I saw the word, libertarian. Sorry but libertarians give me the same feeling that a southern redneck endures when opening the door for a teenager named Malik asking for his daughter. I tried to lessen the weight of Paul's chosen affiliation, but not even his anti drug war stance could compel me not to swiftly eradicate any thought of voting for him.

Time passed and I had all but forgotten about the Texas representative with ideals disturbing to those residing on all portions of the political map, then Fox News Republican debate happened.

I'm sure you've heard of it by now. A large panel of politicians seeking the Republican nomination continuously spewed proclamations of future foreign policy ignorance and promised torture, while the audience mesmerized by ecstasy inducing oratory, looked like newly released prisoners ogling the stripper waving their breast at them.

Yeah I'm sure it rings a bell, it was the night a maverick appeared to sashay into town, and his name wasn't McCain. It was Ron Paul. With the night's competition doing its best to reenact the Wu- Tang torture skit, Paul actually expressed a realist view made from only the finest ingredients of intelligence, when the topics of terrorism and Iraq came up.

Introducing the idea of "Blowback" to a listeners who took it as well as preschoolers digesting Kant, and being called out by Mr. 9/11 himself Rudy Giuliani , instantly propelled Mr. Paul from political nobody to microwaveable 15 min political dish.

Soon after Paul could be seen with the whose who of political television. Daily Show, check, The Colbert Report, yep, Real Time with the only guy who might love black pussy more than Dj Quick, totally did that along with the other fake news shows that appear on CNN, Fox News etc.

The slightly ironic thing is that Paul, who fashions himself as the only real Republican, received, rousing applauses from show from liberal audiences that is usually on reserved for Man God known as Noam Chomsky. So enamored where some by the actual sensible statements by a Republican that they risked sustaining serious body harm by zealously falling over the man. Well they hadn't seen "Sicko" yet to understand how dangerous that was. Others tho where not impressed.

While its nice to hear someone who could conceivably (even if it's a non betting conception) hold great political power, state that who would not undertake actions that could get a lot of us killed, its more of a occasion to state about time, then act like Jasmine Cashmere wants to practice her felatio technique on you. So the man doesn't want to waste Billions of tax dollars, to destroy another land, kill thousands of innocent people, and wreck havoc on American families. To paraphrase Chris Rock, "Does he want a cookie?" Exceptions to the rules should not be treated like biblical prophets, the rules should be changed. Sorry folks, but it would be easy for you to look like Barry Sanders against your local pee wee league team. Would you want praise for that?

While the lemming dance craze has seemingly died out with Republicans, far to many liberal minded people have picked it up with great zeal. Ron has become this election's Ralph Nader, and the number of people throwing rose petals at his feat is nauseating. Every five seconds some respectable person is urging me to check out this Ron Paul vid, or hear this new speech by him. I aint trying to hear it.

What I would like hear is how this nation would run smoothly with little or no taxation. Maybe is the ghost of my communal heritage channeling me, but no matter how evil taxes may be, they are a necessary evil. Drastic reductions in taxes like the ones Paul advocates would hurt the country as a whole. The "everyone for himself" logic pales in comparison to paying concise attention to the proper allocation of funds attain from the public.

I would like to know how the deregulation of business, would help the average consumer. Corporate entities act like the restricted preachers daughter during freshmen year on campus when left to there own devices. Paul would like to greatly reduce the government's role in the market place. I can just see old Irwin Mainway, Dan Aykroyd sketches playing themselves out now.

I could continue with my knowledge request from those in the Paul camp, but this is the part where I tell you where the motivation for came from. Mike Gravel. What you never heard of him? Mike Gravel is the hottest s*** out in the streets son! Well not really.

I had no idea who Mike Gravel was until almost a month ago, when I wondered to myself who this nameless face was saying crazy stuff during a democratic debate I was watching. He was slightly irritating and I paid him no mind and kind of wished he disappeared like Osama. During a P.B.S sponsored presidential debate held this week however I became familiar with a far less annoying Gravel. The person I heard speak not only made some great points, he also did a spot on T.O impersonation by repeatedly throwing the other Democratic nominees under the bus. If it wasn't so funny I might have cringed a little bit, watching the angry old man refrain from utilizing any tact while doing his thing.

Now I'm no Mike Gravel fan or nothing but….. He has a way better tax plan then Ron Paul, a great heath care vision, wants to actually take care of the troops that the government all ways seems to put in harms way, is up on global warming, thinks torturing people is wrong mmmkayy, has a good foreign policy plan that would yipes…. even work with Hamas, is a little more friendly to the "happy" people out there, and look the man even made me write a run on sentence with all of his good points (no man crush).

With all of his positive aspects Gravel Q rating still sucks next to Paul's. Why? Because Gravel is a Democrat and is supposed to think the way he does? Maybe a guerilla campaign is on going to get Ron Paul the G.O.P nomination (never happen) as to hurt the Republicans chances in 08? Nahh don't believe in that, so many Democrats love Paul, I wouldn't be surprised to see them vote for him over a Democratic candidate.

What's left? Liberals are amazed by the magical republican. (sorry Rush). Ron Paul stands for a lot of good things, but his wanting to relegate the government to a position of ineptitude is not one of them. The government sucks, I know, but I trust it over the literally soulless persons known as corporations, whose sole purpose for existence is profit any day. Instead of advocating the de facto end of government, why not call for its improvement?

I'm going to vote in 2008…but I'm damn sure not for Ron Paul..

And for you Paul supporters a song in your honor

Classic Smith n Wessun

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