Sunday, July 8, 2007

Memory is the Film

If you know Damien, you know him to be extremely adverse to movies. Unlike my apathy for paintings and sculptures which is purely based on the fact that I don't understand what defines quality in a forum where a crazy person can make a soup can eternally celebrated, (Given the choice I might take a Bob Ross over a Picasso) my disdain for motion pictures is built on the common foundation of thought that corporate greed ravishes nearly all forms of art in this case cinema.

Long before Hip Hop was pronounced dead, the grim reaper presided over film. The forum which provides for the perfect meshing of auditory and visual sensibilities, and by its nature is allotted ample time to convey its message, has reduced itself to a high speed pop up picture book. The gun solves all, teenagers are tools for ritual sacrifice, and law enforcement is always heroic while doling out brutal authoritative beatings. Due the these and other reasons I tend to shun the act of watching movies. Film employs a fairly sinister form of life wasting entrapment that spurs such an evasive nature. You've been there before, spent a hour watching some horrid movie knowing that it's not going to improve but feel compelled to see it through to the end as a result of prior investment, only to complete the movie and wish you never sat your ass down and fixated your eyes on the screen. Yeah it sucks I know.

Embargos no matter how just ultimately only ending up hurting people, in this case myself, so just to be able to actually confirm, your mothers ziti taste like spam, I've decided to immerse my self within modern cinema. My recent choice to to allot entertainment time to movies isn't a quest to seek validation of premonitions, it's more of a cynics hope that another artistic medium hasn't been fully bastardized.

During the last week or so I've seen 3 movies receiving vast publicity, and despite the inkling that the quarter of a day worth of footage might be better spent polishing my various X-Box belts I set my need some spectacles now vision upon the screen to check em out

The Results:


Michael Moore is an asshole. That's not the most informative opening declarative statement, but its about as honest as my mental reflexes will get. Moore who reins as Flint Michigan's most prominent star (Until Theory takes over the world)towering over the likes of Mc Breed , and various components of a ncca basketball champion, has graced us with his debatable genius once again in the form of a documentary you can buy $5 dollar hotdogs to. The creator of Bowling for Columbine, which while very informative, may have gave Charleston Heston a very justifiable reason to blow Moore's head off with that baby Kayla picture ish, and the highly enlightening Fahrenheit 9/11 which ironically transformed the pubic into throng of millions who could' "handle the truth", has returned with his ode to our nations health care system.

While it presents a sluggish start that displays a couple relegated to their children's spare room due to medical bankruptcy, and a elderly man drudging through what should be his retirement reforming menial task at a supermarket in a attempt to afford various prescriptions, the film quickly picks up. After giving the audience reason 7,815,462 why we should've felt like KRS when Nixon died, providing a twist on the theme of "money and blood don't mix" , "Sicko" initiates its brilliant aspects by crossing borders and seas to insightfully destroy an integral aspect of the "America is the best place on earth" truism errr...theory....uhhh fallacy.

Transverse lands we either thing are soft (Canada) bitch (England) dispose ( France) or paint as pure evil (Cuba), Moore lets fact common sense and what human compassion the viewer hopefully contains within them to easily prove his premise the state run national health care easily puts the insurance run system run system to literal shame. Yes a argument can be made that Moore exploits some of those featured in the film for his version of the greater good, but those who voice such claims would be reaching like "The Creation of Adam". The vast majority of personal horror stories created or exacerbated by the U.S. Health care system will craft anger that will be directed anywhere but at Moore. While the usage of 9/11 workers could be understood as manipulative, the question of why the "heroes" of that tragedy have been forsaken easily supercedes artistic critiques.

Sicko gets recommended like Yahoo stock in the 90's

Live Free or Die Hard

Some visuals leave indelible marks on the brain. The "Back in Forth video which spurred infatuation and RnB singer jealousy in a concurrent manner, Willis McGahee's knee injury, which made me understand why elders told me not to smoke weed and to back away from the tv arguably even more notable,. Decades before some freak name Chris Angel, witnessing some guy name John McClane walking on glass.

Yes "Die Hard" equipped with a pre Carl Winslow Reginald VelJohnson playing the ubiquitous black side kick, spawned a series as American as apple pie and pillaging. Every cliche that is supposed to ruin what a "good" movie is some how combine to create great experiences when it comes to "Die Hard" flicks, extreme amounts of violence and death bundled with more violence for violence sake.The usage of blatant stereotypical imagery. (Tell me this film at least temporally didn't alter your perception of Germans. Bruce Willis practice police brutality that would make the LAPD proud.Yeah, it's sorrta akin to ribs and malt liquor, ensuring a healthy heart and personal relations.

After what some fans would say was a far to long 12 yr lay off Bruce Willis reprises his role cop designated to save the ________. Germans aren't the enemy this time, no it's cyber terrorist Well let me re phrase that, because the "henchmen" definitely play upon the "what is foreign is scary" sensibilities far to apparent within us. Those with intricate knowledge of computers wreck the most substantial damage in the flick tho, while given those living within the Metro D.C. area reasons to ponder new horizons

In all honesty theres no point in going in depth about the "plot", or ridiculous inconsistencies, like McClane and his compatriot easily traveling up and down the eastern sea board during a dry run of armageddon. Nor will the mentioning of the obvious top 2 family feud model minority stereotypes do much good. The simple fact is even a single half century old man besting a 100 million dollar piece of military machinery isn't enough to suggest you don't go see this film.

For all those who say that movies are just a "diversion" and "entertainment" you have your king, and you should go praise him.

How much you want to bet this chick has a white boyfriend and knows "kung fu"?


While writing this I made a conscious effort to avoid being snobbish. Even tho "Transformers" holds a special place in the hearts with many of us within the mid 20's early 30's age range, I know almost 20 years ago, those currently pushing 50 made themselves look like fools by decrying a "Batman" film devoid of pows and zooms. Knowledge in tow, bias set aside, fairness was the order of the day during while viewing the long ago christened summer blockbuster. Sadly, a just mind can't save trash.

The good news about "Transformers" is those who got duped into getting degrees in eye dentistry will be employed by those who see this film and o.d on all of its eye candy. The bad.,.not enough time to really get into that. but i'll touch it a lil. The script sucks, to many actor are given face time, the script sucks, the worlds greatest hater Starcream is a damn mute, the script sucks, the "black" Transformer dies first, the script sucks.

Transformers is the type of film that epitomizes the thoughts conveyed in the opening of this article. Unlike the famous tag line is nothing "More Than Meets The Eye", except a great reason to become a Michael Bay hater.

I'm Going back to Youtube...


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