Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wack MySpace Rapper of the Week #1

You Prolly Have a Myspace

And You Prolly Get inundated with far to many request from bands, singers, and the worst, rappers that you don't even know.

I know it sucks

I'm here to make fun of them and to make you not feel guilty about automatically deleting there shit.

And in the Case That the Artist is actually Good...

I will Call Em

"The Actually Good Myspace Rappper of the Week"

On to this weeks contestant..

MC Fuck Ya Life
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A couple things..

I'm Not a hater


I appreciate new talent, and honestly wish there was more of it.

That being said, I hate wack artists..

And I really hate pushy wack artits...

Pushy Wack Artist that think thier good.......

Man they are the worst

I got a Friend Request from this dude...A week ago for his page....

Now I'm known to let a friend request lounge around in my mail box for a while


Your a really sexy female


You seem to be very politically inclined...

Wrong? well fuck it sue me...

Anyway, I leave em around because when I do want to go and actually check out their page, I want to pay it the proper attention it what they about ...and listen to there music...and give it a fair chance..

Well fast forward back today and I get a message from homie

"Whats gd"

basicly stating...

"add my page nigga"


I'm thinking do I know this dude?

Is this my Nigga Greg and did he just move to New Jerz....?

Without getting heated...I decided now would be as good as anytime to go listen his music..and maybe just maybe I would add his page if he was good..

Besides arguing back in forth on myspace seems hella gay if I may say so

Never done it...and dont ever plan to

I'm to Danny Glover for that shit...

So I go to listen..

Okay First mistake...

This dude has like 3,000 playlist and they all auto start by themselves..

not a good look...or sound.... and very annoying...

After fucking with the virtual mixing board for like min or so.. I decide to listen to the some of the songs...

"My Time"

Jesus Christ....somebody teach this guy about sound quality ..and mixing a song...
To Be honest..the song wasn't that bad..the beat sounded like some late 90's early millennium West Coast shit..very very average

"Sweeter than candy canes."../ "Shitting on the track leaving do do stains"

are the star lyrics provided..smh

"Hey Girl"

I Listened to a Minute of This Shit and I don't Know How

You Remember them cheap ass extremely small keyboards you used to get for Christmas...with that one programed song? That's what this shit sounds like...

Production Quality Horrible.....Beat Embarrassing.... I cant believe somebody was proud of that beat... I woulda drowned that beat like Susan Smith

"Fuck Your Life Beats"

lol....Listen to the last beat on the last playlist...and I dare you not to laugh

Dare You

I would describe some more of his tracks me there wack also.

Dude has very average lyrics...painfully don't even try to make a metaphor if that's the best you got lyrics. Which happen to sadly be the icing on a wack ass beat cake..

Wack Rapper / Not Added to My Friends List

I'm going to go look in the mirror and apoligize to my ears now..

Once again

If you want to find the truth out for yourself

And Rappers Remember

Don't get mad..

I just gave you publicity...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Championship Thoughts

Hope things have been chill with yall.


Well a sinister mixture of Gods Wrath and the Windows Boot process, has left me relatively computerless for much of the past week, a circumstance that basically mushed potential blogging plans in the face. Thanks to the computer genius of my boy Kevin tho, I’m back online (oh my beloved rapidshare) and ready to share a few random thoughts.

I watched the series ending game 6 of the N.B.A Finals the other night. When I say watched…I mean watched, the whole way thru. Every wack commercial, every sappy human interest story involving Man on trophy love, the whole thing, no DVR or nuttin.

No I don’t want a cookie.

I would like for you to know as a normally beyond avid NBA for most of my life, surprisingly Tuesdays season ender was the first game I watched in its complete form.

No I don’t despise Masta Stern that much to shun the formally fantastic game, if anything it’s the horrible presentation aesthetic while being broadcast on ESPN/ABC and my informal boycott anything Stuart Scott related. Rationale was set aside for game 6 however, due to the circumstances involved. Would Kobe become Jordanesque and complete the first necessary step to completing the previously imposable, or would Boston, a city which the nicest compliment I can bestow upon it is that its not Philadelphia, garner another championship?

Well we know what happened.

Then the beauty of sports ensued.

While Paul Pierce’s blatant plagiarism of football culture

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without the expressed written consent of the N.F.L was nice, the true poignant entertainment moment broadcast for Americas consumption came via Kevin Garnett.

You could see, better yet hear it coming towards the end of the mammoth blowout which undoubtedly spurred sporadic drunken anger related violence in the Los Angeles area. ABC, living in a post Janet Jackson’s succulent nipple world, scrambled in flawed in attempts, to censor the raucous cursing stemming the jubilant Celtics bench. The rhetoric of joy form K.G and his cohorts would not be denied however, as in a interview that properly displayed how to hit on a female reporter (Joe Namath take notes) and how to be perfectly human.

Gone was the veil for fakeness we are indoctrinated to believe is professionalism, just heartfelt emotion naturally revealed after the accomplishment of a life long goal. Later in the evening Scoop Jackson a writer whom I can name 16,000 scribes whom I’m personally affiliated or just know of, that surpass him talent, struck up a carefree conversation with Mr. Garnett that seem to leave all but a few of the reporters in room perplexed.

Jackson asked Garnett how it felt to let it all out, to be free and just express how he truly felt. Kevin replied that is was like finally standing up to a bully and putting him on his ass. I might be extrapolating to much, but for a moment, one could swear he wasn’t just speaking about being a champion, but the freedom that being a world champion gave him to be himself, false contortions the modern athlete are forced into be damned….

After witnessing the trophy presentation, I might have been the only person in America who turned to NBA TV to watch the postgame press conferences. You know NBA TV the basketball equivalent of the NFL network with 10% of the quality and production cost lower then Channel 1, yup that one. Why?

Let me tell you sports fan, if you take anything from me know this: never underestimate the worth of a great press conference. Simply put, would like enjoy a meal fresh out of the oven emanating a blissful aroma or would you like your dish old, look warm, and served by germ infested hands?

That’s what I thought.

So I headed to channel 662 aka… the last channel before HD so it will forever get igged, to see what the newly crowned champions and well you know…the agony of defeat.

While admittedly there where some mundane moments, I still happened to witness what might have been one of the best moments of live television to occur this year directed by eerily Remy looking Brian Scalabrine.

I’ve said it before and still stand by it:

Fuck a sideline reporter.

If you want the real why don’t you just ask the guy ask the guy on the bench who never plays? It works in politics, why not sports?

What made the Scalabrine One man show even more hilarious was the bluntly spoken proclamation of a previously thought to be deceased by yours truly, Peter Vecsey, who stated to his visibly in denial partner that they “now know their careers are really over” because they got preempted by the red headed center from the LBC., right before he sent it over to David Aldridge.

David Aldridge

From ESPN to TNT to NBA TV?

Dammmmn Homie………

Anyway congrats to the Champions tho

K.G , Jesus Shuttlesworth and The Super Star who I wont make a Hairline or Almighty RSO joke about, along with there band of merry men. (pause)

Now all I haft to do is make it till training camp…….


Aim: ILLAIM365

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Expecting Barack

Pride, Hope, Excitement

The fresh ascendancy of Barack for all intents and purposes, as the official Democratic contender for this lands highest office has stoked many into honest belief in the system, while engulfed in a highly energized state.

Recently across the nation, emotional responses resonated so deep within certain pockets of citizenry in our land, that they were brought to tears over his attaining the presidential nomination from the Democratic party.

Tales of 20 something grandsons sitting with their 60 + year old grandfathers, in revered awe of the expression that adorned the elder head of the patriarchs face, which epitomized appreciation for what was previously unthinkable in the realms of his conscious thought abound, as messianic images of the Illinois Senator dilate pupils around the globe.

Yes Obama’s near attainment of America’s political apex (I don’t think this was Dr. King‘s mountaintop vision per se) is a cause positive feelings to abound for numerous rationale. While the author will admit he unabashedly began this campaign season as a John Edwards supporter and in his inner soul would cherish a world where a Cynthia McKinney and Dennis Kucinich ticket was viable no matter who was on “top”, you will find no Barrack hate emanating from the tips of these fingers.

Despite reports to the contrary I still hold that one doesn’t haft to be Black or hold a college degree (Technically I fall under both…but I’m just saying tho….) to recognize Mr. Obama is clearly the best practical choice to lead our nation in these extremely precarious times. I could fill up a reservoir, spewing the vitriol that I have embedded for Hillary Clinton, but I’ll just say if Barrack is moderate democrat, then Hillary, national health care aside is damn near the female version of Joe Lieberman. My political sensibilities where doing the late 90’s Puffy “unah unah” to her long before advisers rolled out the “Real American” platform.

John McCain? John McCain? You haft to be f****ing kidding me right? Since most of the Black and Women/Dynasty political accelerants are in large part out the way for the moment is it okay to bring up the “Hey vote for me because I was a P.O.W so my patriotism is impregnable and wants to eat Barack’s children” electoral steroid the distinguished man from Arizona utilizes?

Well if not, you should really take a look at his prescribed vision for this great land of ours domestic and foreign and find that failure to remove the veil or manipulated ignorance or keen future prospects of profiting at the expense of those under you are the only excuses that you could possible have for voting for the man with the legendary temper.

If we vote Mcain in this November, any ill that befalls our nation we rightfully deserve.

Word to 2004.

Obama is the millenum J.F.K of polictics at the present time, the Cristiano Ronaldo of the game if you will., and unstoppable undeniable force.

If political campaigns are nothing but glorrifed job interviews with the nation acting as Human Resources, if we don’t elect Obama, what does that say about us?

Utilizing the premise that Americans aren’t as stupid and prejudiced as we know we are, lets assume Barrack takes the office.

As Jeezy would say.

And Then What?

Expectations apply cruel constraints upon the masses perceptions, as well as the view of the one being perceived.

I fear Black America is setting itself up for disappointment.

For a second exclude the varying hue’s of punditry that cascade across the various screens in your home, or politically aware/poly sci geeks who immerse them selves in politics like others do sports, music and other as popular less socially acceptable pastimes…

Think about how those not of that ilk interpret change.

Change in the legal system from the courts to the police?

Change in the educational system from what’s being conveyed to who is delivering the message.?

Change in the allocation of Billions to lands far beyond our borders instead of helping “America’s” own?

Now juxtapose that with the Idea of Change the numerical majority might envision.

A viable alternative of escape of the last 8 years of political hell?

I see a conflict that people really don’t want to think about.

Many in the black community have been extremely fervent in their hopes of Obama becoming elected, sadly that zeal has triumphed the fair recognizing of present realities. While its nice to hear people who never cast a ballot of any sort speak with enthusaim of heading to the polls on November 4th and fruitful to see mc monikers turn from Escobar to Obama in the span of a decade, a simple poly sci rule must not be ignored.

Any individual, elected during any period, is and will always be constrained by the political and domestic climate they live in.

I have the sense that a large swath of Black people are expecting a level of change that even the most powerful European American candidate couldn’t bring about.

Can we please take a second to admire and appreciate what Obama has been able to accomplish so far? His ability to skillfully manage to engage and retain a extremely high level of credibility with ideology dulling constituencies is nothing short of amazing.

Getting Independents, Conservatives, European American Liberals and Black People happily on the same team is a task almost warranting God to throw down another magical staff.

In order to keep anyone on your side in any of lives endeavors you must placate them often enough to maintain the overall pleasure. Sorry Black People 6-7% of the populace
(we all don’t think alike now do we?) isn’t enough have arguably long overdue changes implemented.

Radical change is in direct conflict with our political climate in present.

I’m a firm believer that you can’t climb invisible cliffs, yet devoid of anything substantially tangible even I hold a fervent belief that if Barak gets into office things will get “better”. Maybe its because I’m sure of what the alternative would bring or sustain, but the aura of positive hopeful thought Barak spawns can not be honestly denied by me.

With positive visions in hand, I’m also pragmatic enough to understand that he will be unable to bring about many of the changes this country desperately needs.

Not because he is a fraud, not because he is politically inadequate.

But because

True change is dependent on the people not the politicians.

Yes We Can…………………………..

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dame Aint Allways Serious…#1

While I have been know to indulge in some Internet related addictions, for the most part I've avoided coming anywhere close to needing a Youtube intervention. While I would say its a great site, there are many others that provide the same material in a much more orderly fashion. What youtube does provide in a massivly plentful manner, besides racist comments, is a plethora of classic old school material. Which brings me to ...The Beatnuts.... I'm not going to wax poetic about them, because I'm not really a fan of them, I just respect the hell out of some of there work, and apriciate the flashbacks they ensued during my recent youtube voyage...

For all of the people who like to blame Hip Hop for everything under the Sun nowadays, this is a reminder that shit was just as violent (even more so in reality) back in the 90's, which is prolly why I love this intro so much.I defy you......defy!!!!!! you if your a tru head like me be able to quell involuntary head nod motion that starts while listening to this song....This is pure ignorance at its finest. Even set up a mostly unknown Artifacts sample...

Nice song Nice song.....I recently gained a newfound respect for it when I heard this remix of it Favorite Line:

"Your life sounds like a heavy price to pay/ For some bullshit that you aint even haft to say"

tru words tru words

This song used to turn normally mild mannered Damien into raving lunatic....ahhh good times.....

Okay I might have some serious issues with capitalism and the routine stepping on skulls to reach the mountains apex, but I can and do admit when the fruits of the evil tree taste good.While some adverts make me feel like acting like a penny flung off the Empire State building...(funny I never thought about the hidden nuanced meaning of that name before now) ala that one which use the "New Day" song which comes on every 60 seconds, some commercials definitely bring some much needed levity to far to often occurring mundane days.

One series of commercials that has made me laugh out loud, are the Verizon NHL Themed collective.Thats right I said NHL. Hockey is a great fucken sport..and if you let race get in the way of enjoying the best sporting playoffs know to man, then you are.......Well wait...thats another subject for another time...... What I will say is this.. I have and will continue to laugh out loud at these 30 second pieces of nirvana, and not the fake im lol that you use when you are really stonefaced on AIM I mean straight 2 levels away from tears and stomach pain laughter... And trust it takes alot to get me thereEnjoy

Okay Okay I haft to save the best for last......All you need to be is slightly familiar with the Wu.........this shit is just stright funny...

Okay in non... youtube ish...

I Look Like Who!!??!!

I'm not saying anything but I'm really feeling Candice the moment...and she is the next in line behind, Chamika Holdsclow who I really liked back in the day...there is somethig really sinister about me liking it because she earily resembles all pro porn star Jasmine Cashmere?

Oh How I love Simplistic Beauty

Hmmm.... Am I on to something, or do I need to Lay off the West Coast Productions?

The Pistons Have Made The Eastern Conference Finals Again.

And The Pens are 1 step Closer to Drinking Rum Out of the Stanley Cup.

Life is Good


Friday, May 16, 2008

Buying In

"When you become grown you can make your own rules until then........"

That ever so popular refrain has been un ethusacticly absorbed by millions of children spanning a myriad of generations. The trails of subjugation under parental authority were eased by the the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel provided by that seemly ancient phrase, for it gave us the ever necessary ingredient for a healthy human existence; hope. No matter how truly oppressive or relatively tranquil ones youth may have been, the yearning for lack of restrictions on ones desires and aspirations drives all of us at one time.


Reality sets in ....We repeat the cycle ...we control our own little domions....while...mostly conforming to a admittedly more congenial version of modern serfdom....Then sometimes when time affords us the freedom to ponder, we wonder if the reason some of our guardians where so tyrannical was a clandestine effort to get some of the power that they where not granted in the world back. We conform and throw are hats into the ring, while soljurining through thoughts. The process of silent personal conversation manifests many queries, one of which is as debatable as it is troubling. Do we on a personal level or even a unison defined macro one, craft the "rules" that govern our life? If a affirmative response to that question is the response of the delliued, how do we, as human beings navigate such a harsh reality? Given the lantet but assured personal angst it must cause us, how does it effect our interactions with others enduring the same plight?

Despite all of the historical lore of unity and benevolence towards ones fellow man, American history is awash in countless instances of acts done in the vein of selfish procurement. While we may be denizens of a profoundly religious state whose conduits to God constantly preach a un Egyptian like gospel warning us that, "we can't take our worldly possions with us", the attainment of such has defined our lives so intimately for generations we zellouly engage in acts that proportly will doom us for eternity. While this is seemingly a overtly consious contridiction, the amount of ratinlalzation and repression utilized to maintain esteem and image through our litterly inherent nature of want could dispupt cosmic law.

Ironicly while labor intensive, the personal matiral cost of the enduring charade of caring is little.

Justificacation doesn't require moralty for its construction.

Those ravaged in the wake of our rapicious desire be damned. Treat others as your would treat yourself.............. right?

Despite the given tone, what is in question here is not some Hobbsian view of the world, but the merrits of a worldly constrcut that tranforms caring indiviugals in to cold hearted calulating souls. How often, better yet how recently have you heard the refrain, "I only care about my kids/family, and thats it", delviered in a bluntly hardened tone? When the often heartfelt proclimatin is made, its tone denotes a level of admonshiment for those who foolishly flounder in the thought of the collective good. Depending who is exposusing such a belif at a givien time, its often saddingly amusing to compare them and thier views to the nhilist philosphy bestowed upon and proporteldy held by whom many classyify as the savage youth, who often state "I dont give a fuck about nothing except me and my niggaz". Personal destractions of some aside what does the transformation good beings into surfacely heartless human actors say about our way of life? Is a system which takes a clean slate and scribes upon it a formula for miniputivleness and callous worth praising? Yet we all play the lottery.

If the prior legions of our clan where incompitent in there navigation of our beloved scheme, we are programed to analyze and rectify the mistakes of those before us, while escaping the moster of poverty with little to no regaured for those left to be feasted upon by its beastly nature, with the consilation of knowing lack of caring is more humanitarien then the complete distain many others hold for the "refugees" in our system. Lack of derison of those beneath you due to the laws of stratifaction, cannot be seen as comendable more than it is act of passive agression. While they do not feed the machine accelerent, they are willful pistons none the same. More fine tuned machnary understand that the beration and slander of those under them is essentail to the stablitly of there postion. Venomous speech also holds the dual quality of consoling ones thoughts of inner guilt, before they are transformed into to policy ensuring fewer will be able to vye for thier rightfully earned perch.

Niggaz leave the hood for the suburbs. Imigrents leave there lands for America.

What does that say?

The vacating of less desirble sitution is not something to be decried and often should be commended, however, the complete abandonment and slander of of those left behind is ashameless and often wicked practice.

Even so called forieners pay remittance.

“Buying In” was brought to you by

Conversations with friends.

The current global food crisis

And a Christmas debate with Uncle Van that still angers me.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

"Harsh Reality"

If one knows me they knows I love to debate. Some classify it as standard arguing, but that's far to derogatory a term for the art of conversation. Auguring is based on the intrinsic goal of reigning victorious in verbal warfare, often sparing nothing, leaving raised terrain from which nothing is gained. Alternatively discussions, involving opposing view points are often the most fruitful of endeavors. Listening is an invaluable element to learning, while it might seem like you're vehemently denouncing another's views, your really pilfering knowledge and previously unknown insight which will be used to later formulate an enhanced perception of the world that gravitates more closely to reality then where you previously where aligned.

The different approaches enacted while engaging in conversation are presently manifesting themselves as thoughts, as I currently reminisce on the first politically themed conversation I engaged in with a good friend upon arriving in the D.C area in 2006. I can't remember what particular case caused our disagreement, but some how the topic steered itself into equality or lack thereof within Americas legal system. The crux of the conversation dealt with his belief that if we both committed the same crime (Him being White me Black) and had the same type of background and criminal history that we would most likely be afforded the same type of a sentence. Even tho empirical fact combined with life's observations transformed my stance into and immovable object, I stood in respectful awe at his position and chose to frame it as welcome idealism and personal fairness displayed on his part, instead of understandable ignorance. I stated that there is no realistically conceivable way that a non White person would have 12 persons who thought like him on their jury, let alone 10, he replied that ultimately If you didn't the crime do it you have nothing to worry about,to which I replied that's just one side of the equation,because if I did commit the crime and received a "sentence" even more criminal then the crime I under took..who ultimately is more guilty?

I'm prolly reflecting on that time because it makes in easier to deal with present events.

The ability to learn that many are unaware, not insidious, fair, not eternally corrupt, is imperative to one one hoping to maintain his own balance in life, for events will force you to recall and utilize that knowledge.
Events such as the Sean Bell Case.

Disclosing nothing but honesty with you, I have to admit when the verdict was first announced on Friday I was devoid of an immediate powerful emotional response. I took the the ruling of the judge as a well known forgone conclusion, with the trial comprising of nothing more than a placating charade, espousing false ideals. I took umbrage that a quick skimming of the news provided no pundits discussing, let alone decrying, a travesty of justice involving the murdering of a citizen by the state, while being bombarded with news of a shark attack and even more Rev Wright lambasting, but remained relatively calm.

The calm was short lived......

When I allowed myself to think about the verdict anger, sadness, and a crippling sense of helplessness involving any path that would not invoke massive violence held sway over me.

I recognized I tried to consciously detach myself from the harsh reality of the Bell proceedings, an act that has become more prevalent in my nature lately which I'm not sure how I feel about.

Becoming seduced by the bliss of ignorance.

I'm currently residing in conscious state of shock, a self prescribed purgatory necessary to remain functional

I know how I felt last year when adolescent lives where willfully being destroyed by our system for the world to see, over a high school brawl.

I know how I felt last year watching Vick becoming the most hated man in America since Osama..for a relatively trivial crime in comparison.

I know how I felt in the late August early September of 05.

I can't put my self in that position again.

I've never been one for detachment, but the constant practice of empathy, and awareness eventually will take its toll.

So friends ask me for my opinion, amd I choose not to disclose it Some send me articles about the case and I respectfully tell em I can't read them at this time.For the sake of my sanity .

I don't want to go there at the momentI don't want to think about how homicide will always remain justifiable when committed by the hands of law enforcement against Blacks, man or women.

I choose not to focuos on how the majority of the country could give a fuck less about the verdict, or will with great zeal go through Olympic level contorians to convey the right judgement was pronounced.

No, won't go in depth into the incestuous relationship between Judges,DA's, and those on the front lines known as police officers.

I will instead collect myself, I will feel for Bell's widow child, family and all others who cared for him.

I will construct a better understanding for those who practice self delusion, instead of the natural default animus I usually display.

I will become more even more aware

And eventually

I will get back to normal.....


Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Minister

Its funny what personal dislike and a lack of options will lead a person. Like many others, I need some type of external stimulus to stave off the agitation of banal tranquility. Given my disdain for the FM frequency that has existed since the days of a activator purchasing O’Shea Jackson proclaiming his listeners should "Turn Off the Radio". I immediately turned to the AM side of the dial hoping to enable my fixation for talk radio, sports or otherwise. One twist to monolithic sports entity know as ESPN station gave me college basketball play by play, a quick turn away to the 980 frequency immersed me into the same description of two college teams it would take a implanted microchip to make me care about. Desperately trying to escape silence, while thinking college basketball isn’t what it used to be, I chose to conclude my sojourn on the first station that beamed with clarity, which happened to be 630AM.

As the society mandated commercials came to a end with one proclaiming the benefits of a company known as "Life Lock" which I had read something about last year stating they where frauds, I heard a sound. I know that sound. but from where? EIB radio network…hey that’s familiar ….its "The Rush Limbaugh Show"…damn intercollegiate basketball..

While sometimes an entertaining insight into the thoughts and talking points of the ardent right, often the listening of conservative talk radio is akin to bull riding. The object remains to see how long you can hang on, but instead of literally falling off angry prodded animal, the utterances of host and guest often craft thoughts of seeking refuge by smashing your head through a pane of glass.

At the risk of subjecting myself to action hero scrapes on my forehead I decided to listen to "EL Rushbo" and see what he had to say. Topic of the day, Barack Obama’s minister, and his incendiary, unbelievable, racist comments. Boy I’ll tell you the fact that the Right Wing Smear Machine has yet to appear on "Modern Marvels" is a travesty.

After a elongated intro seemingly designed to sell more product, some proven to be fraduluent. the shows producer finally qued up keenly selected audio portions of Rev. Jeremiah Wright sermons over a broad spread of time. As the familiar excitable oratory known to be symboblic of Black preachers blared through the speakers I waited to be shocked and amazed.

It never happened.

From what I could gather while desperately searching for parking, a few themes definitively rang out from the pulpit.

9/11 Was The Chickens Coming Home to Roost/ What We have done

Jesus Was Black…

Rich and Powerful White People run things for the Most Part

Hmm okay…

As we approach the end of the first decade of the new millennium, it should be aware to everyone that the feelings of dislike and even hate for America are not born out of spontaneous generation. The "they hate us because of are freedom" mantra is very 2002 and reaches a Gucci Mane level of ignorance when applied to discourse. The death of any innocent human being is a tragedy, but that doesn’t give logical pretense to ignore or fabricate the rational behind their murder.

Wright with skillful verbal dexterity, invoked American practices from Israel, Vietnam, Japan and Iraq, painfully inversing the numbers game we often play, with the deified 3,000 souls lost during 9/11 with the millions who perished at the hands of American action.

Blowback is as much a tangible consequence as it is respected concept. Many of of those who swear to protect or kill you will tell you the same let alone your own common sense.

Admitting culpability or even guilt is never a easy thing to do on any level. Until we as a land muster up the strength to admit our own faults, and compassion to regard foreign life with at least a modicum of the esteem we regard our own with, tragedies partly of our own doing will continue to occur with sadly accelerated frequency.

"Listen He’s Blaming America For 9/11 !!!!!!"

New Clip "Jesus was a Black Man wanting change he was different from the Romans, who where Italian meaning they where white, so they didn’t like him, which is the same reason some here in America have a problem with Barack today!!!!!!!!."

To be honest, I could care less what color Jesus was. When El feroz recently proclaimed Jesus was Mexican after a drubbing. I had to laugh because his view stated Jesus was of a race that didn’t even exist during his time. All conversation about the color of the supposed son of God is inherently divisive, yet the default assumption that he was white is enough to give any psychologist a lifetime of work.

So when somebody you like, listens and respects another individual who thinks Jesus was black., you haft to take a step back from your fondness him or her because..

How could Jesus be black?

For some its just preposterous, for others somehow such a position is racist.

The question of why would be telling if answered.

How could you let your kids be christened by a man would say such racist things.????

The last clip featured a loud proclamation that rich White people held sway over the decision making in our land……


Last time I checked rich White people held signigigant influence over the decisions made in this land affecting non white people and the numerical majority of non rich and influential White people.

While listening to a parade of callers pull out their verbal pens to co sign the belief that Obama’s reverend was a American hating racist, including the ubiquitous "Hello I’m a African American, and I also find Obama’s reverend to be racist" guy, the thought of "I’m glad Obama would subject himself to some one who held such views"

No matter what either side of the political spectrum wants you or even themselves to believe Barack Obama is a moderate democrat, encompassing all of the positives and negatives that label entails no matter your political ideology. Contrary to anyone’s belief or false predictions if he makes it to inauguration day, Barack will not be raising any black fist up.

While I have major issues with religion(The Black Church in Particular) and the insidious intermingling of religion and politics, I find it positive that someone who believes we should take some form of accountability for our actions throughout the world has some level of communication with the man that may become or future leader.

This is not stating he is beholden to Wrights musings, any wise persons thought is nothing more than the amalgamation of varying opinions melded with their own final stance. But the ability to listen, to hear certain view points, while in agreement or not is a skill some unfortunately never attain.

To have Wrights voice no matter how strong or overblown in its meagerness, circulating with those of a cadre of advisors some of whom who would favor a continued American militaristic stance, is a good thing.

Over blowing statements, and having any critical analysis of your nations policy being deemed Anti American is not..

(No window panes where broken during the listening of The Rush Limbaugh Show)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Living The Dream

With the recent passing of a Black greats national holiday occurring concurrently alongside miniscule attention paid to said leaders angst towards his home lands social structuring, and malevolent foreign policy, while insidiously being intertwined into the presidential race, it is germane to look at how far we have really come, and where we are really at via aspects of Election 08.

A mere two weeks ago, the inevitable that many denied still existed and decried as a relic of the past arose from its tranquilized slumber. Race. The techniques of its awaking seemed akin to the smacking of a dazed boxer in the middle rounds of a prize fight, by a trainer who had placed substantial wagers upon his pugilist reigning victorious.

After Isiah Thomas (well not that bad) like mismanagement of a near guaranteed presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton had been placed in the precarious position of trying to find a way to criticize Americas favorite One Drop rule reaffirming Black Man. In every true since of the word it was and continues to be a unenviable position. How do you degrade your very strong opponent with out alienating a large segment of those your support you need reach your ultimate goal, and yet acknowledge and replicate common societal pretences to place numerical majorities at ease? The heir to the Clinton dynasty faces quite the conundrum so to speak.

Her first truly well publicized attempt a proverbial stab at Obama came in the form of a triad like inference best explained in such a equation: Dr. Martin Luther King and Barack Obama are historically great orators, Obama is no King however, and even King needed a remarkable president to take his movement to the highest levels government and transform his "dream" into reality. I (Hillary) am that potential president that has the skill set along side the desire and will necessary to accomplish such great feats. Got it? Trust its simple once you think about it.

What followed was utter, if not expected, lunacy acted out by the 4th Estate. Clinton was strongly accused of interjecting race into what was previously an idyllic, read delusional presidential campaign. She was forced to engage in a media blitzkrieg to down play erroneous assumptions gleaned from her statements. Knowing any strong element or racial discourse revolving around his campaign would be like direct sunlight shed upon mogwais, Barack championed the Clintons civil rights record, while painful acknowledging what they have "done" for Black people.

Unleashed by a fraudulent Gulf of Tonkin like moment, the insidious status quo sanctioned vernacular of racial dialogue appeared from behind the curtain. Restrictive, belittling terms such as "race card" and "race baiting" returned to the news cycle prominence in all their inaccuracy. Ironically a more direct, but still debatably honest quote by former president Bill Clinton where he referred to Obama's on going campaign as a "fairytale"was moved aside for the broader façade of a racial discussion.

Discourse was stimulated by a living testament to the fact that no matter how much wealth a Black man attains he still is highly susceptible to doing the bidding of White people. After birthing the abomination know as B.E.T and being a card carrying member of the profit over principle crowd, you would hope he had damn near no credibility with the Black voting masses and would be booed off stage like an obese exotic dancer. Instead sadly without a chorus of jeering he stumped for the Clinton and wrapped his assertion that Obama was getting fucked up in the hood while the "Clintinnsss" where "hellllping usssss" in a invisible veil (guess he decided it was better than the thin one). Of course he took the brunt of the deserved criticism for his words, but like stricken testimony at trail, his projected image of the Illinois Senator remains with the voting judge and jury that is our populace.

These events have crafted some serious social, political, and yes racial questions.

If your Black, why do you love the Clintons, Bill in particular?

Is it because the media tells you that you do? Is it the "He was the first Black president mantra" so popularized by all facets of society? Why do they say that? Because he was a weed smoking womanizer with "soul" ? Is it because life was better under Clinton leadership and you completely ignore are unaware of the laws he helped to enact that drastically reduced the quality of life of millions? If you answered yes to any of these questions go purchase a copy or Randall Robinson's book "The Debt" now

Moving on from the Clintons, why are we constantly told that Obama is running for President of the United States of America not "Black America"?

Please let the author know that it is not necessary to have an intelligence questioning above 137 to understand that "American Politics" means Whit eeerrrrr "European American politics " and Black issues can be damned.

The cries of one unified America are released from all fathomable areas of this nation, yet when problems that ravage massive portions of the "citizenry are pushed aside or discredited as not being "serious" issues. This precludes us from your America, because the perils of Black America aren't recognized as American issues, but purely Black ones, no matter how the state might have help create or is currently involved in any of these problems. The troubling dictum that politics or environment have nothing to do with solely personally inflicted ills of Black America still remains champion, and would like some polish for its belt.

The media spin placed upon the Democratic presidential race along with the successes of Obama's campaign have caused a considerable amount of Black support to convert their allegiance to the Illinois senator's side. No matter how pretty the face of blind faith is, there can be no denial that once again Blacks are placing there support behind another politician who due to strategy, heart or pure pragmatism, refuses to address issues the disproportionately affect them.

Yes as the common great leap of faith adage goes Obama might be "doing what he has to do to get elected, and will look out for us when he gets in there" hmmm ummm maybe. I wouldn't put any money on that bet either way, but would lend advice that those basing such a theory on the "You can't tell me nothing presidency" of G. Dubba should take note of history's showing that he has ramped up the say one thing do another scale to nearly unseen before levels, and that Republicans generally always have far more leeway then their Democratic counterparts.

The truly funny thing is no matter what Obama does, his only mortal sin would be alienating European American voters. What's the easiest way to do that? Spend to much time talking about issues that disproportionally effect or seem akin to Black America. Vocalize to much compassion for non establishment issues you become invaluable at best, threatening at worst to a large swath of the White electorate

These events say a lot about America, and acceptable assimilation into social structures, and yes, that we are still living Dream.

Just for Clarity …

Edwards >>>>> Obama, Clinton

Edwards >>> over anyone not name Kucinich or McKinney (If at all possible)

Obama >>>>>>>>>>> any Republican Candidate

Hillary >>>>>> Romney, Giuliani, Huckabee

Hillary / McCain = Push…

Post Racial Politics = B.S