If we vote Mcain in this November, any ill that befalls our nation we rightfully deserve.
Obama is the millenum J.F.K of polictics at the present time, the Cristiano Ronaldo of the game if you will., and unstoppable undeniable force.
If political campaigns are nothing but glorrifed job interviews with the nation acting as Human Resources, if we don’t elect Obama, what does that say about us?
Utilizing the premise that Americans aren’t as stupid and prejudiced as we know we are, lets assume Barrack takes the office.
As Jeezy would say.
And Then What?
Expectations apply cruel constraints upon the masses perceptions, as well as the view of the one being perceived.
I fear Black
For a second exclude the varying hue’s of punditry that cascade across the various screens in your home, or politically aware/poly sci geeks who immerse them selves in politics like others do sports, music and other as popular less socially acceptable pastimes…
Think about how those not of that ilk interpret change.
Change in the legal system from the courts to the police?
Change in the educational system from what’s being conveyed to who is delivering the message.?
Change in the allocation of Billions to lands far beyond our borders instead of helping “
Now juxtapose that with the Idea of Change the numerical majority might envision.
A viable alternative of escape of the last 8 years of political hell?
I see a conflict that people really don’t want to think about.
Many in the black community have been extremely fervent in their hopes of Obama becoming elected, sadly that zeal has triumphed the fair recognizing of present realities. While its nice to hear people who never cast a ballot of any sort speak with enthusaim of heading to the polls on November 4th and fruitful to see mc monikers turn from Escobar to Obama in the span of a decade, a simple poly sci rule must not be ignored.
Any individual, elected during any period, is and will always be constrained by the political and domestic climate they live in.
I have the sense that a large swath of Black people are expecting a level of change that even the most powerful European American candidate couldn’t bring about.
Can we please take a second to admire and appreciate what Obama has been able to accomplish so far? His ability to skillfully manage to engage and retain a extremely high level of credibility with ideology dulling constituencies is nothing short of amazing.
Getting Independents, Conservatives, European American Liberals and Black People happily on the same team is a task almost warranting God to throw down another magical staff.
In order to keep anyone on your side in any of lives endeavors you must placate them often enough to maintain the overall pleasure. Sorry Black People 6-7% of the populace
(we all don’t think alike now do we?) isn’t enough have arguably long overdue changes implemented.
Radical change is in direct conflict with our political climate in present.
I’m a firm believer that you can’t climb invisible cliffs, yet devoid of anything substantially tangible even I hold a fervent belief that if Barak gets into office things will get “better”. Maybe its because I’m sure of what the alternative would bring or sustain, but the aura of positive hopeful thought Barak spawns can not be honestly denied by me.
With positive visions in hand, I’m also pragmatic enough to understand that he will be unable to bring about many of the changes this country desperately needs.
Not because he is a fraud, not because he is politically inadequate.
But because
True change is dependent on the people not the politicians.
Yes We Can…………………………..
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