Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dame Aint Allways Serious…#1

While I have been know to indulge in some Internet related addictions, for the most part I've avoided coming anywhere close to needing a Youtube intervention. While I would say its a great site, there are many others that provide the same material in a much more orderly fashion. What youtube does provide in a massivly plentful manner, besides racist comments, is a plethora of classic old school material. Which brings me to ...The Beatnuts.... I'm not going to wax poetic about them, because I'm not really a fan of them, I just respect the hell out of some of there work, and apriciate the flashbacks they ensued during my recent youtube voyage...

For all of the people who like to blame Hip Hop for everything under the Sun nowadays, this is a reminder that shit was just as violent (even more so in reality) back in the 90's, which is prolly why I love this intro so much.I defy you......defy!!!!!! you if your a tru head like me be able to quell involuntary head nod motion that starts while listening to this song....This is pure ignorance at its finest. Even set up a mostly unknown Artifacts sample...

Nice song Nice song.....I recently gained a newfound respect for it when I heard this remix of it Favorite Line:

"Your life sounds like a heavy price to pay/ For some bullshit that you aint even haft to say"

tru words tru words

This song used to turn normally mild mannered Damien into raving lunatic....ahhh good times.....

Okay I might have some serious issues with capitalism and the routine stepping on skulls to reach the mountains apex, but I can and do admit when the fruits of the evil tree taste good.While some adverts make me feel like acting like a penny flung off the Empire State building...(funny I never thought about the hidden nuanced meaning of that name before now) ala that one which use the "New Day" song which comes on every 60 seconds, some commercials definitely bring some much needed levity to far to often occurring mundane days.

One series of commercials that has made me laugh out loud, are the Verizon NHL Themed collective.Thats right I said NHL. Hockey is a great fucken sport..and if you let race get in the way of enjoying the best sporting playoffs know to man, then you are.......Well wait...thats another subject for another time...... What I will say is this.. I have and will continue to laugh out loud at these 30 second pieces of nirvana, and not the fake im lol that you use when you are really stonefaced on AIM I mean straight 2 levels away from tears and stomach pain laughter... And trust it takes alot to get me thereEnjoy

Okay Okay I haft to save the best for last......All you need to be is slightly familiar with the Wu.........this shit is just stright funny...

Okay in non... youtube ish...

I Look Like Who!!??!!

I'm not saying anything but I'm really feeling Candice the moment...and she is the next in line behind, Chamika Holdsclow who I really liked back in the day...there is somethig really sinister about me liking it because she earily resembles all pro porn star Jasmine Cashmere?

Oh How I love Simplistic Beauty

Hmmm.... Am I on to something, or do I need to Lay off the West Coast Productions?

The Pistons Have Made The Eastern Conference Finals Again.

And The Pens are 1 step Closer to Drinking Rum Out of the Stanley Cup.

Life is Good


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