Saturday, September 3, 2005


I tried to wait. I tried to deny what I already knew. I hoped, whished, and never desired anything more in my life than the prayers of others where answered. I feel nothing but I volatile mix of anger, sadness and hurt. I’ve seen the truth. Not what people say, but the truth of there actions. I’ve seen how people really feel about other human beings.

I know, they never have, don’t, and never will give a fuck about us.

The scope of this tragedy is beyond comprehension, so I will be devoid of conscious structure, and just release my feelings.

Somebody just died while I typed this sentence.

People have been walking, living, surrounded by, and drowning, in the most squalid water one could possibly fathom. Raw sewage, every imaginable chemical, and thousands of rotting corpses, comprise the tide people travel miles through to reach what they will believe to be relief. A city makes this journey; Every type of individual possible is suffering. The elderly are dying on the street with out the minimalist of dignity. Babies ……..Babies …..are dying in the arms of mothers…….many who have no idea already where the rest of there family is, let alone if they are alive, if the didn’t already see them perish before there eyes.

We have heard thousands if not millions of messages, statements plans, and decrees about “Home Land Security” over the last four years. Such declarations and the Billions of funding behind them, lead to the most painful questions or our factual conclusions, when the treatment of Victims comes in to discussion.

Either didn’t have the ability to be better prepared.

We chose not to be prepared to our abilities.

Our didn’t give a fuck about the people trapped, enveloped by death, and only responded correctly when world opinion came into the world forum and We looked bad.

What do you honestly in your heart believe?

I will no longer say “Us” or “We” because I have been shown by them, I am not one of them.

The government knew for a week that a category 4 or 5 Hurricane would hit the Gulf Coast. The government new that the levy system could only with withstand a level 3 category hurricane at best. The government knew, that if the levy broke it would cause a unprecedented disaster the likes we have never seen in this country.

Why weren’t’ national guard troops and other agencies situated around the parameter to be immediately prepared to enter the situation.?

Why weren’t at the least divisions put on standby?

How could any person or group of people be so evil and callous to, using the trust invested in them, get masses of suffering destitute individuals who are enduring horrors they never thought possible to enter a stadium and convention center, with out bare necessities to help them sustain living, and them refuse to let them vacate?

How could with any leader who has the power and ability to help, see thousands of people, Human Beings….. Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents, Family, Friends, Children Babies……Rot ……literally Decay on the only non submerged portion of a freeway, for 5 DAYS, with out providing ANYTHING. THE RICHEST MOST POWERFUL NATION IN THE HISTROY OF THE WORLD, Left thousands to die, for days on in. It isn’t that they didn’t give enough, THEY GAVE NOTHING AT ALL.

To it’s own people. This is how America treated it’s family

Imagine, just imagine your self in that position.


The most powerful military ever known, could not complete a task as simple as air lifting food and water????? They can’t accomplish that in 5 days? When it did just that to help save a German City 60 yrs ago.?

The goverment can close down highways, which where created for military purposes initaly, for construction, but can't close them down to allow victems to escape?

The Government completely shut down the Airline Industry during 9/11. But we can’t take over Greyhound Buslines to help export the PEOPLE from the most destitute national tragedy that any living U.S resident has seen?

Instead of talk of sending in water, food, medicine, Doctors, those in charger, those whose sworn duty it is to protect those living in there own revelations, talk of sending in “Locked and Loaded Troops” who are authorized to us “All Necessary Force” ie:THE RIGHT TO KILL ON THERE OWN TERMS/ to subdue individuals..



While countless individuals suffer through tragedy that words can do no justice, those of us reduced to tears by the suffering of others, had to endure the demonizing of victims.

Striped of there citizenship title, desperate survivors, utilized any means necessary to find substance and water to hopefully keep themselves, their family, friends, and complete and utter strangers whom they have never met before, ALIVE, for another day, hour second, as they see hundreds perish around them. These people were labeled looters, thieves thugs, by people who placed in the same hell would do the exact same things.

Thousands of People have died, hundreds are still dying, AND THE MEDIA DECIDES TO DEVOTE IT’S ATTENTION TO “GUN TOATING THUGS”. Fires and sporadic gunshots.

Those who asked nor deserved the plight they endure are being blamed for the tragedy befallen them and made to look and live like animals

Why were/ are these people being treated this way?

The shameful part is we know why………………… and still refuse to admit it.

I please ask you…. To look and listen to some of these images and sounds and really…..really think about this .

The People ( Click the link under "Horror Show")

The Mayor speaks (click on link on the right side)

Thank you.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Race Based Education

There was a recent time in my existence where I really envied inhabits of the Caribbean. Yes being able to reside in a temperately palatal environment, where the water possesses a pristine clarity is highly desirable, but my now exposed jealousy stems from something far more sought-after than near utopian ( at least until economic interest come into play) surroundings.

The populaces of Caribbean nations have something that I will never feel the comfort of in my land, a true feeling of citizenship. Sure, according to the paperwork I’m a U.S citizen, and if I happened to loose my way around the streets of Babylon, there is a better than 50/50 chance that I would get national tv exposure in exchange for my beheading. Beyond bureaucratic registers and CIA travel warnings, many groups can attest (Germans, Japanese, Arab) that the concept of “American” is quite malleable and often fleeting term. Such is where deadly sin number 2 comes into play. Despite the embedded psychological belief that lighter skin is better, the omnipresent realities of race are far less integral in Caribbean citizens everyday lives. Due to such a mentality you will often see many people of all shades and by our definition, racial types rejoicing in the reverence of there given nation. Dominicans, Haitians, Cubans, and Jamaicans all bask in the warmth of there flag, and I challenge anyone to find a more proud group of people than Puerto Ricans. I think my jealousy stems from the hurt of knowing I would be a fool to embrace the stars and stripes.

It’s a horrible malady when you want to love someone that abuses and neglects you, and when they start to treat you better goes and tortures your cousin Yet I still yearn for the days where I don’t feel like smacking (or chasing as Ice Cube alluded to) niggaz in red white and blue, and we all just look at ourselves as Americans. Maybe, just maybe stuff like the whole Milton Bradley/ Jeff Kent debate would not occur.

To paraphrase the various media reports both individuals who are L.A Dodger baseball players got into a heated debate over Bradley not hustling enough on a previous play. After the feud moved into the locker room and spurred a hurried closed door meeting with the manager. (No, I’m not lost there is a point.) Two days latter while being interviewed by reporters; Bradley stated that the incident was a dead issue and was handled internally. Less than a half an hour later when asked what spurred the conflict, Bradley flatly in a calm manner stated “he doesn’t know how to talk to African Americans”. Bradley’s comments caused a slight media uproar, and where juxtaposed against Kent’s retort of “I take offence to that its absolutely pathetic. If you think that I’ve got a problem with African Americans, then go talk to Dusty Baker. Go talk to Joe Carter, Go talk to Dave Winfield all the guys all the guys that I idolized and taught me how to play this game. I will not get into this anymore and that’s all I’ve got to say”

My immediate reaction was I could definitely see Bradley’s allegations as being plausible, and found Kent’s response irritatingly expected. What truly angered me though was the media’s spin on the incident which clearly showed how reactionary it and the denizens which adhere to it, have become. Most of the headlines I saw about the story read to the effect “Bradley labels Kent a Racist”. What The Fuck??? Did I miss something? I failed a stats class before so I’m not that great with correlations, but wouldn’t that premise be the same as a lady labeling a man a “women hater” if she stated said man did not know how to talk to women? The fact that the dispute was positioned as “Is Jeff Kent racist or is Milton Bradley Race Baiting?” completely misses the point Bradley was making, and destroyed a perfect chance for a good national discussion. Given the experiences of my self and millions of other people who I may share nothing with but genetic heritage, it is a proven fact that a good segment of White people do not know how to “talk” to black people. Even though I do know why, I still find it hard to believe many people just can’t grasp that concept. There are usually 3 main types of not knowing how to talk to Black People…….matter of fact Let me Preface this by saying these apply really to almost any group that you are not apart of….. okay but yeah three main types, Accidental, the Test or Misplaced Affection, and of course Outright desired ignorance. None of these three concepts even if held by a person, makes them a racist by default.

Accidental: Some people have know clue they are being offensive to some one via speech. A White person could say “You can’t fuck with me Boy” during a friendly game of Madden,, and then become astonished and bewildered why his boy got heated cuz he called him Boy. This case is understandable if one takes into account ones background and the general lack of understanding of cultures….but it can lead to problems if it is perceived as…………

The Test or misplaced affection: Boundaries are omnipresent components to all things animate and inanimate and it’s almost the innate nature of humankind to try to test or cross them. The testing comes in the form of, friends trying to slip in nigga in the first or third person,, speaking the terms homie, bro, or some woefully played out slang such as G.. Misplaced affection is another variant of “accidental” where the person says the same type of thing a person trying to test somebody would.

Out right Desired Ignorance: You already know.

Now put your self in a social position, work, school, shopping or over a friends of a friends house, and somebody says something to you that erases your jovial mood and places the expression of a boxer receiving opening instructions on your face. Add to that caveat, nobody outside the incident seems to understand why your mad, which angers you more This scenario is played out millions of times everyday across this vast land between various races. The options available to combat such a scenario are few. One can risk, friendship, relationship, job and freedom vigorously voicing displeasure, or articulating negative feelings thru physical body language. If a person is unusual temperament, he/she may explain there position and help rectify the situation. A good number of people play the middle of those two and say nothing or make a far more subtle statement than their internalized anger would prefer. All confines have limited capacity however, and eventually the contents are released to exposure, such as in Milton Bradley’s case. Should Bradley who says he’s been dealing with Kent’s antics all season, while immersed in club house with no other black players, be deemed a racist expressing his feelings? No. Is Jeff Kent a racist? I don’t know, (I thought about his prior beef with Barry Bonds….but even tho he’s my fav player, I haft to admit he is a asshole and he prolly had something to do with it) but I highly doubt it ,comments such as “ask my black friends and peers”, negatively paints his profile though. I yearn for the day that mankind understands that all groups are not homogenous, and some people writhen all sects will kowtow to certain actions. I mean fuck, even George Wallace and Strom Thurman had niggaz that loved them. Some people will subject themselves to anything to be accepted, and others simply find some things unacceptable. Sadly most of us find jumping to extreme conclusions highly tolerable.

So Randy Moss had a Oprah moment with Bryant Gumbell, and was personally destructive with his honesty. Mr. Moss decided to reveal that he has smoked weed while in the N.F.L, and surprise,e prolly will continue to sporadically. The fact that I smoked last night and found what ever was on tv (can’t remember) at 1:48 am utterly amazing, doesn’t bias my view on this situation. Initially my thoughts where “Randy is just a stupid fuck, why make it easy for others to criticize you, the proverbial “giving them a reason”. I further contemplated the story after gaining various opinions, and deemed that it was a waste of time. Smoking weed is as American as beer and fucking in the backseat, why should anyone care. Yes smoking weed is illegal, a lot of things are. Laws are inherently pliable and far from infallible; nobody is in a position to be uppity with them. The best argument I heard so far was the weed is a gateway drug, which makes it non use so viable. I can see the logic behind that, but wouldn’t make it more sense to utilize the hundreds of millions spent on anti drug advertising to decry horrible vices like heroin cocaine and crystal meth, so little Billy will be scared as fuck to try anything beyond weed, instead connecting weed to terrorism and showing 2nd graders reciting Ecstasy ABC’s

Fuck Burger King, and the chicken fry commercials

Same for Starburst with that mariachi band ish

As one who benefits daily from the spoils of war, I tread lightly when speaking on the need of Israel to leave the occupied territories.. I find it amusing in sad way though, that there was such sympathy shown to settlers forced to leave there land by the government. Compassion is a great thing, when distributed evenly. I feel for the good hearted Jewish settlers forced to evacuate their lands, but no more than I do for the Palestinian family who had it’s house bulldozed because one of its inhabitants extended family members was as terror suspect.

Suge Knight got shot the other day, 10 years to late, 2ft to low.

Number one album of the week: Hillary Duff “Most Wanted”

I always felt you could tell a lot about a person(s), but the music they listen to.

Number one movie of the week: The 40 yr old virgin

I wonder and hope that… A. Since they show annoyingly show commercials before movies now, did Jergens by some time, B. That not many people can relate to the premise.

I don't pray, but my heart goes out to those in the N.O and surounding areas


Aim: ILLAIM365
