Saturday, January 27, 2007

You Know It's Drama, But it Sounds..........

Outlandish, without warrant (well a legitimate one), and propagating plain idiocy, those where the initial thoughts wrought when I arose Wednesday morning to find the offices of DJ Drama had been raided by the police. Why would law enforcement utilize the same militaristic tactics undertaken against those suspected of narcotics trafficking, and invoke the mafia inspired RICO statute against a highly reputable legal enterprise? The official line given by the Fulton County (G.A) police, is that DJ Drama and the Aphilliates where participating in bootlegging and racketeering. Where did they come across such intel and impetus? The RIAA of course joyously blew the trumpets of supposed illegality. Now the advent of police performing hits for a trade union is far beyond disturbing, but when the logic behind the manipulation of law enforcement is mystifying at best, other rational must be extrapolated from such action. The RIAA have always been some insincere cock sukas who unabashedly claim to always hold the protection of artist interests in the forefront of their actions. The true reality of RIAA maneuvers, is they are motivated by the maintaining, and improvement of the profit margins garnered by the corporations from which it spawned from, while viciously attacking anyone one fucking with their money. To those hovering over Pyrex pots, with aspirations of turning children into bastards, sorry…these guys are more gangsta than you. Acting in conflict of ones manifesto is not a unique trait in business let alone humanity, but the recent Atlanta raid negatively affects all parties involved. Even for those who are in dire need of lasik surgery it is easily visible that the corporate titans whom run a record industry suffering from a continued advanced reduction of sales as a result of advanced modern technology and inferior product, are trying to hoard the bountiful scraps left on the music business plate. Such a summarization is reinforced by the self inflicted wounds RIAA members are willing to endure by undertaking such action. Hip Hop and the music business have always had a intriguing relationship. From being disparaged as a fad, to becoming Americas best selling music genera raps ascendance to the mainstream lends a plethora of insights into a myriad of institutions. During the late 90's and early millennium Rap finally surpassed Country and the most economically prosperous form of music in the land. The ascension had its draw backs and unexpected detriments though. Music sales where being vigorously eroded by file sharing and downloading, during a time when investment in hip hop was peaking due to its apex on the music mountain, and the quality of the craft began to fall, largely due to record label mandates and dictations wrought upon MC's to ensure (supposedly) sales. Thus while Rap dominated the charts, concurrently sales usually associated with such a position where noticeably deprecated. Ironically during this period one artist would radically adjust the usage of one of the staples of hip hop, the mixtape .Throughout the 90's mixtapes where coveted by aficionados for they broke new artist, contained exclusive material which prolly would never make the artist final album, or gave the listener at up to a 6 month advance on new singles. Many artist such as Big Pun benefited during that time from mixtapes, but do to the vast number of artist on each compilation, the main benefactors where the DJ's ala DJ Clue. Curtis Jackson before becoming the renown 50 Cent he known as today, did what would be akin to giving gunpowder to the natives, when instead of doing 2 or three songs on a particular DJ's tape, began to make his own mixtapes solely, consisting of his group or himself, which encapsulated the energy of mixtapes, but had the unmistakable feel of a album. 50's reapplication of the mixtape, propelled him from obscurity to the second most bankable rap commodity. This is where the crux lies. Labels cherish artist like 50 but they love overall profit even more. After the success of 50 and various G-Unit mixtapes, nearly every aspiring, up and coming, and established artist created there own mixtapes. What before was never a problem to the RIAA, began to arise angst for, they begin to see mixtapes as direct competition to retail cd's. The argument is palatable, but blindly ignores the fact that the mixtape product itself is far superior to the label creation, for record companies have been releasing stale sub standard hip-hop for far to long a duration. With introspection ignored, fact also was relegated to the sidelines, as labels intrinsically benefit from a MC ravaging the mixtape circurt. 2005 was the year of Young Jeezy, who without the boost that DJ Drama provided might actually be hovering over a Pyrex pot somewhere instead of being one of the industries most prized products. Lil Wayne, who for the sake of this conversation, might have captured the 2007 bitch move award for his comments on this situation, went from non reputable remaining group member to bankable star and "best rapper alive" thru the same path. In attacking the DJ's the labels are in essence killing the spawn, which is a perfectly germane policy for them, if there not seeing the percentage of profit they desire. The truly insidious nature of this raid however, lies in the precedent it sets. The administering one sole genera of music the surveillance (Hip Hop Police) is just as despicable in its genesis, then in the blasé reaction to toward it, but the assault on legitimate business and artistic expression sets a dire course. Music, no matter who usurps it, is ultimately a form of communication. What law enforcement and the RIAA have declared is, "We are the sole owners of this product". Given the deep interlocking of culture and music in the comprising of Hip Hop, and the current dynamics of its attainment, having such a standard established, maliciously attacks the freedom of expression, the RIAA claims to protect. Whether guise or not, the incarceration of artist for lacking a barcode on their product for fiscal reasons, can easily transform into the imprisonment of persons due to the content within there work. Dead Prez has a contract with Sony, Ras Kass is bounded to one with Priority. Both have a catalog of mixtaptes albums along with countless others. Let us not let become blinded by the myth of American exceptionalism, and a false belief that pure freedom of expression and speech is an inherent component of citizenship. Utilizing the ever sharpened blades of race, blatantly manipulated when the selling of mixpates was equated the illicit distribution of cocaine, and the customary constantly reinforced views of particular segments of society, law enforcement and the RIAA are attacking the innocent.

Support DJ Drama

By doing so you'll be supporting yourself.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Look It’s the Amazing Black Head Coach!!!!!

I'm a peaceful person, who feels violence can be condoned. Though I'm far from sensitive, I can be swiftly annoyed by particular actions. Why am I divulging personal charter traits? I dunno maybe its therapeutic to be honest about ones self, or maybe just maybe I'm tired and utterly exasperated just one day in, of all the "Two African American Coaches Made It to the Super Bowl", talk. It seems that every time I change the channel, listen to the radio, step, into the office at work, or buy a loaf of bread at the moment I have the near uncontrollable urge to say, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!. Why?.........

The Interchanble African American term.

I hate (sorry strongly dislike wont work) the term African American, if you know me or this happens not to be your first visit here, you should already be acquainted with my stance on the idiom.

The haughtiness if of the White establishment….to call them selves American….while hyphenated every one else…..which is highly ironic,when technically speaking the persons…who get the most flack for being immigrants, "illegals" and other sinister terms are inherently more American then any white or black individual….. but thats another convo…lets just say the unspoken arrogance of that display bothers me….

Second lets not play games….even tho its wrought with falsehood only a society like ours can perfect and propagate, Africans image is prolly one step bellow T.O's is the contemporary American mind regardless of race, religions or economic status. Yes ..Africa has problems…and some MAJOR issues, but the wholesale negative light its portrayed in is entirely unfair. I mean damn, we live in the earths Disney World and we know how fucked up things are here. Basically the dynamic runs as follows…"Africa's fucked up place, so be happy and feel lucky you're here, or those whom which you emanate from are inferior. Now I've done the knowledge enough to know those claims and assumptions are bullshit, but to be equated with them is just another straw on the proverbial back. The bothersome factor is ratcheted up to the plain fact that relation and connection between Blacks and Africa is shaky at best in tragic shambles at worst. Do in large part to are educational system and the way which history has occurred. Whites (Or Asians etc etc with their respective "places of origin")people have a far better relations and association with Europe than Blacks with Africa. Yet no conation of their identity is ever directed associated with lands apart from this distinct country. So yes in my mind I'm definitely like fuck that, and to alleviate my angst ..until the Super Bowl is over I'm referring to all White People in my presence as European Americans in quaint protest, now. for the rub as they say……

The Omnipresent Black First

All I hear is "This is so important" "This is historical" "this will open up doors". Hmmm. Why? How come? And will it? Why is this so important? The fact that Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy can obviously coach has been well know for a minute, their making it to the Super Bowl does nothing to change that. In realms of importance, what does their reaching the zenith game tangibly do for all of the Black People this is supposed to be so good for? Why is it historical? If it wasn't for the primitive strain of racial thought innate within American society, this moment probably would have occurred decades ago. The extra perseverance and diligence required of Black coaches to attain such a feat should be recognized and praised, but the only reason this is historical is due to lack of true just opportunity. The disturbing sense one gets from all of this talk is…"Look, Look Black men Can lead a team to the Super Bowl!!!!" If it took last Sundays events to prove such to you, my friend you're a fucken idiot" A person of Philippine or Indian decent could coach a team to the Super Bowl. If you're a good enough motivator, judge of talent, have high enough intelligence, and are in good standing with the football Gods who doll out the all necessary luck, you to can be a Super Bowl head coach. The sense of hafting to prove to ourselves and society as a whole that certain task are possible to be achieved is ridiculous Blacks whether G.M Coach, Owner, will succeed and fail horribly ,because they are human…and humans are know to visit every point between triumph and disappointment. Joe Dumars, and Ozzie Newsome are great at their craft, Isaiah Thomas quite frankly may be the worst upper management persona ever to dictate orders from an office. Anything one human can do another one somewhere else on the planet can accomplish. A great White rapper shouldn't shock you, a great black head coach shouldn't amaze you, break down your constructs. To me, this being the biggest story in quite some time is utter bullshit and not accidental. Shamefully this reeks of another Brazilian like discussion of race in this land…which if it is fatiguing me now…I can only imagine how most of the "main stream" feels.

On Championship Sunday I rooted for the Colts. I became a Indy fan because:

I Hate the Patriots

I think Tony Dungy is a good coach who has came painfully close many times before, went thru a horrible tragedy, (no matter how you view suicide), is a former Steelers himself, and because someone very close to me wished for his success

The Bears and Saints game I could have cared less…..

Given the actuality of the situation, football easily superseded race.

I can dully respect those in the age ranges of lets say….50 and up for cherishing such a moment, for they lived more intently more visceral forms of injustice and at some point of their lives neva thought such a moment possible. For them empathy is most assuredly due. The question must be asked however, where did such a idea of impossibility and hopelessness come from? Yes it good to see Black management in the spotlight instead of an endless diet of performers, but Jesus Christ…do we haft to act like this is the greatest fucken event in the world ever? I wish the media would stop patronizing us, and Black People would sober there exuberance and focus on the how comes?)