Sunday, December 18, 2005

Objective Subjective Thoughts.

Character flaws, even the best of humanity carries some strain of the varying defective traits. I have been subjected to being put on notice by some, about my slight tendency to think too much on certain particulars. So in the hopes of freeing my mind to purse some highly pleasing, ignorant endeavors this weekend, I shall release some of my current thoughts to your custody. Lest keeping oblivious hedonism waiting…………

Be The Bigger Donavan

No matter how exceptional of human being one is, he/she will always have those that despise and decry them. Whether they are based on flippant baseless notions or concise legitimate grievances, jeers are hurled from and upon our persons. Donavan Mcnabb is a individual who fully understands such a concept. Wide cross sections of humanity from Terrell Owens to Rush “Pop a Pill” Limbaugh have savagely attacked aspects of his persona. While few of the accusations made against him have had any validity, one thing has remained constant; Mcnabb has always taken the so called “high road”, which we shall return to. The bitch smacking of Mcnabb once again was proven to never be out of season when a article in the Black newspaper “The Philadelphia Sun” written by the head of the Philly NAACP no less on November 27, was thrust into the mainstream media. The main talking points grafted or inferred, depending on your view, from writer J. Whyatt Mondesire’s piece where: Mcnabb. Is a sellout for participating in Chunky Soup Commercials, and betrayed his race when he decided not to scramble ie: run from his quarterback position. As this story attacked me from every sports medium I tried to enjoy, I started to formulate my own views on the subject. Given that Philly Sports fans might be America’s ravenous equivalent European Soccer Hooligans, and the quotes chosen to be recited form Mondesire’s article, where of the most asinine stock, I immediately felt the author was a damn fool. I’ve really been having my issues with ESPN lately and this controversy didn’t help matters any. The deficiency of assorted thought deriving from the sporting monolith which molds millions of acolyte’s opinions that leave there domiciles dressed as facts, was once again rampant. Various announcers used the controversy to frame black people into two polar extreme categories: “Keeping it Real” and “Classy and Respectful”. Never mind that being subjected frequently to a catch phrase that became irrelevant a decade ago, made me fathom “this is what heroin withdraw must feel like”, it was very disparaging. in itself to be categorized by those who lack any qualification to do such things. The implicit message being conveyed was that black people, like the writer, chastise other black people for being professional, respectful, and always being the bigger man cuz it’s not keeping it real. The suggested musings, where a crisis is apparent in the community because people like Donavann are ridiculed while the T.O types are revered. The implication is that there is no middle ground for black people, just a great chasm between proper and societal derelict. Such rational is sinister because it gives others false credence to dictate what is “appropriate” for another segment of persons. Often the prescribed behavior is haughty .hypercritical in a reflective nature. “Proper” at its base is non threatening and passive, which holds a litany of psychological correlations in our society, many negative. The extremism employed by prevalent segments defies rationality. Why is it so hard to understand that when certain people chastise, its not because he has a professional, classy aura, its because he lets people ______ (we have a sale on words today: :hoe, shit, bitch, thug etc etc) him with no response. There isn’t a mass clamoring for Donavan to act an ass, but some tangible form of retaliation is sorely desired. In all facets of our union respect is eroded for those who choose not to defend themselves. Large swaths of black people don’t feel Donavan is a sell out, just soft. Taking the high road to reach your destination is admirable, but sometimes you haft to exit on to ”Check Them Niggaz” expressway” for your self, and those you represent. Wanting to be certain of the foolishness of Mondesire’s column I ventured over the Philadelphia Sun and analyzed it. It isn’t nearly as horrid as portrayed. Good points abound in his work, but some elastic conclusions are present also. He states that Mcnabb purposely eliminated scrambling his repertoire so he could be know as a quarterback, not a “running quarterback” While the media was quick to point our, all of histories white running quarterbacks, the fact of “running quarterback” being code speak for black qb’s who act more think less” can not be denied. Such strong beliefs have clouded judgments on black qb’s The critical flaw is Mondesire’s assumption. How can you tell Mcnabb made such a conscious decision? When does one eliminate, better surrounding personal, coaching demands, and injuries that make it a trial walk, let alone run. Unless he has daily cerebro sessions, he should put such accusations back in his pocket, along with “Just think how the whole media circus could have been avoided had you had the courage to offer only a tiny fraction of your bonus this year to Owens and running back, Brian Westbrook”. I’ll take the high road on that last statement and won’t even dignify it with a reply.

Yeah and…………..

Why I subjected my self to watching the Ying Yang Twins on MTV cribs perplexes me. Maybe I held out hope they would drink some of the Kool – Aid they proudly displayed and start talking like the Brain Gremlian…… Instead I got some pure uncut minstrel show.

Please let this be a message to all of you who I am lucky to have on my friends list.

I wish the top 8 was more than just 8

I really don’t pay attention or care about the order of my top 8 ie: who is 1,6,7 is really doesn't concern me.

Friends are precious commodity’s that shouldn’t be ranked. Yes my top 8 consist of people I really respect and enjoy, but some part of there inclusion deals with the fact they might slightly be more apt to be online, then others, so having them in forefront makes it easier for me to get at em, instead of going thru the list. I have people on my list that I’m really close to, that probably will never be in the top 8 either cuz they rarely are online, or we both know that it’s not that serious. So if you get moved our adjusted, trust me it’s not that serious, and since I’m defiantly against having people on my friends list I really don’t interact with, you should already know how I feel about you anyway.

Still on my “why isn’t this shit on tv?” “kick” If race is such a controversial topic, and Hurricane Katrina was only the worst natural disaster in American history intertwined with either immense shallowness, harrowing incompetence or a deadly combination of both, why the Congressional Hearings on Race's factor on the handling of the national tragedy wasn’t broadly disseminated is kind of troubling

Ahh yes there are few better ways for Pious and kind Americans to win the proverbial “Hearts and Minds” (you should really ponder that term”) of the Iraqi people like paying off their publications to include stories crafted by the U.S military to improve its own image in the land. Viva to the impartial press.

The Boondocks is not what I expected. Expectations fuck up so many things in life

Sometimes I wonder if Al Gore would have one the Presidency in 2000, some calamity occurred and he had to step away from office, would I hate Joe Lieberman as much as George Bush. He really just needs to switch sides already.

Now…..where is my tequila at!!??!!